Need some help please

So I have two plants, one is 2 and 1/2 weeks old and is about 7 inches tall with 3 sets of leaves, the other, a mere 3 or 4 days old. The newer one is the one I have a problem with, you see I was trying to coax the small seedling out of the soil with my finger because it was stuck under a big hunk of wood in the soil and in doing so I accidentally ripped off the top part of the plant(very small cotyledons and SAM). I was wondering if I'm screwed here or is there any possible way I can still manipulate it to grow in the soil. My temporary attempt weak as it was, was to sprinkle some rooting powder in another area of the pot and sort of replant the small seedling part that broke off(no longer than 3 or 4 mm). Any help or advice would be great, my thanks to anyone.


Active Member
"stuck under a big hunk of wood" ?? poor little seedling, ya bro tried to help one myself and it just never grew again, germinate another if you have one...Oh, so what kind of soil are you using?


New Member
I can only say that cannabis is a very resiliant plant. At least if it does not bounce back you have not wasted that much time or $ on it. Good Luck!
I'm using a Miracle gro potting mix, Organic and the one that controls under/over watering. It's worked out well for the other plant, I just kind of screwed myself on this second one. I unfortunately don't have anymore seeds. I would have had 30 if it wasn't for AMS< guys blow!). I do have a lot of pot smoking friends though so getting new seeds shouldn't be too much of a challenge.