Need Some Help Please!


New Member
So here's my problem...I just put in my new 1000watt hps this morning before the timer was set to kick on and after about 15mins nothing happened so I turned everything off unscrewed the bulb and then screwed it back in and turned everything back on and once again nothing. So now I'm frustrated and unplug everything again and take the bulb out and put my 1000watt mh back in and guess what....she fired right up and it is just really frustrating because it' a brand new bulb and nothing is wrong with it no lose parts or anything so I'm really stumped so any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
That could well be your problem. Not sure about HPS in a MH ballast....but I fucked up once and put a MH in an HPS and 5 minutes later the bulb blew and there were hot shards of glass all over the room. In general...the rule has always been MH in a MH ballast...HPS in an HPS ballast. Only the digi's will recognize and adjust for the difference. Can't remember the specifics...but there's a different requirement for start up/different resistor/etc. involved. Maybe someone else with more technical understanding can chime in....

either way....I'm guessing the bulb is OK...and the ballast just won't fire it. There are >conversion> lamps out this


Well-Known Member

I don't know the answer. Says no switches needed. Never seen a switchable mag ballast with no switch.

And I looked it up. They don't carry it now. Just an hps only version.

So like said above. Maybe bad bulb. Maybe bad ballast. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
A 1000W bulb means you plan to use it for flowering on a 12/12 light schedule. New set-ups can be balky so I would leave it alone once the light is on. Just make sure to check later on to make sure the bulb is in sync with thee timer.

Hint -- nothing burns out a bulb faster than manually turning it on and off. To check your timer unplug the ballast and bulb but leave the timer plugged in. Use another small electrical device to plug into the timer and check it that way. I use a hand drill. Turn the timer to on and see if the drill works. Avoid tripping the timer on and off with the bulb inline as it is hard on the bulb.

Good luck, BigSteve.