Need some Help +Rep avail


Well-Known Member
Hey guys -

I'm about to start my second grow ... and this time I want to do it right. My last grow was a small CFL Grow...and I wasnt happy with my yield compared to the time/effort I put in.

I have a good job, so I'm not growing for the money ... but for the quality of smoke and love of the grow! That being said, I am willing to put the money in to make this successful and worth my time. I don't want to throw money into this for the sake of throwing money away - but want to invest in good ventillation to reduce odour (security), lighting & nutes to maximize my yield..and use products that I wont have to "second guess" or upgrade mid-grow.

I want to use a grow tent - so that I can control the grow space easily and not have to block light from windows. This will also allow me to use my spare room for other things (workout area).

I just purchased:
10 AK-47 seeds
10 White Widow seeds
10 TrainWreck

I am thinking of growing: 4-6 plants at a time

Looking to buy:

400w HPS kit with CoolTube (Canada WholeSale Hydroponics - dont have to pay duty or shipping)
L or XL HOMEbox Grow Tent

GOOD Quality Nutes - Help? what Should I buy? Advanced Nutrients? I want something that is GOOD quality, with good "step by step instructions" that I can follow easily

Fans + Ducts + Carbon Filters - I will take airflow and ventillation very seriously. I have access to a window to send exhaust air outside, and bring fresh air inside. What types of fans should I be looking at? I've seen Carbon Filter/Fan combos that push air directly into the filter inside the grow space, then a second fan in the duct OUTside the tent pushes the air out the that needed? Should I send air through the carbon filter THEN through the cooltube, then directly out of the tent?

Soil - from what I've read...I should be using a foxfarm brand of soil (comes heavily suggested on this site). I live in a good size city, but I still cannot find this product locally. Is there something else more readily avail that will work without taking quality away from my girls? Shipping soil seems like spending un-necessary coin. I have access to CDN Tire, Walmart, HomeDepot, Kent...but foxfarms. The closest things I have found is a Soil with perlite, compost that is 100% organic...good enough?

I am willing to spend up to $2000 to get this off the ground...and will put the time and dedication into making this right. I REALLY want to be safe and minimize ALL possible risks. I live in a smell will probably be my biggest issue. Should I double up on carbon filters? When I'm opening my tent during flowering...will the smell escape into other areas of my home (into the hallways of my building etc?)

Thanks for ALL your help guys! I've been reading these forums since early summer...and have learned SOOO much already...:lol:

+ Rep for those with input.

Please note:I live in Canada (East) and want to order equip/products from canadian retaillers to reduce duty chargers at the border.


Well-Known Member
if i were you, id use the whole line of fox farm products, soil and nutes

it sounds like youve gotten experience and know what youve done wrong in your first grow, so i hope this one will be better for you.


Active Member
if you want to do it right this time dont go with "good enough" with 2 grand you can grow perfectly get 1000 w ballast mh &hps think about hydro with a carbon filter in the grow tent smell should be an issue at all i found a whole set up for $1700 you should be golden !!! good luck growing


Well-Known Member
Hey guys -

I'm about to start my second grow ... and this time I want to do it right. My last grow was a small CFL Grow...and I wasnt happy with my yield compared to the time/effort I put in.

I have a good job, so I'm not growing for the money ... but for the quality of smoke and love of the grow! That being said, I am willing to put the money in to make this successful and worth my time. I don't want to throw money into this for the sake of throwing money away - but want to invest in good ventillation to reduce odour (security), lighting & nutes to maximize my yield..and use products that I wont have to "second guess" or upgrade mid-grow.

I want to use a grow tent - so that I can control the grow space easily and not have to block light from windows. This will also allow me to use my spare room for other things (workout area).

I just purchased:
10 AK-47 seeds
10 White Widow seeds
10 TrainWreck

I am thinking of growing: 4-6 plants at a time

Looking to buy:

400w HPS kit with CoolTube (Canada WholeSale Hydroponics - dont have to pay duty or shipping)
L or XL HOMEbox Grow Tent

GOOD Quality Nutes - Help? what Should I buy? Advanced Nutrients? I want something that is GOOD quality, with good "step by step instructions" that I can follow easily

Fans + Ducts + Carbon Filters - I will take airflow and ventillation very seriously. I have access to a window to send exhaust air outside, and bring fresh air inside. What types of fans should I be looking at? I've seen Carbon Filter/Fan combos that push air directly into the filter inside the grow space, then a second fan in the duct OUTside the tent pushes the air out the that needed? Should I send air through the carbon filter THEN through the cooltube, then directly out of the tent?

Soil - from what I've read...I should be using a foxfarm brand of soil (comes heavily suggested on this site). I live in a good size city, but I still cannot find this product locally. Is there something else more readily avail that will work without taking quality away from my girls? Shipping soil seems like spending un-necessary coin. I have access to CDN Tire, Walmart, HomeDepot, Kent...but foxfarms. The closest things I have found is a Soil with perlite, compost that is 100% organic...good enough?

I am willing to spend up to $2000 to get this off the ground...and will put the time and dedication into making this right. I REALLY want to be safe and minimize ALL possible risks. I live in a smell will probably be my biggest issue. Should I double up on carbon filters? When I'm opening my tent during flowering...will the smell escape into other areas of my home (into the hallways of my building etc?)

Thanks for ALL your help guys! I've been reading these forums since early summer...and have learned SOOO much already...:lol:

+ Rep for those with input.

Please note:I live in Canada (East) and want to order equip/products from canadian retaillers to reduce duty chargers at the border.
Check the DIY section. Lot's of good info and ways to save money and still do everything right. Best of luck and welcome to RIU my friend.


Well-Known Member
oh and i dont really think youll need to spend 2k on start up either, but its good to have that much in your pocket


Well-Known Member
if you want to do it right this time dont go with "good enough" with 2 grand you can grow perfectly get 1000 w ballast mh &hps think about hydro with a carbon filter in the grow tent smell should be an issue at all i found a whole set up for $1700 you should be golden !!! good luck growing
Thanks for the input dude

If I go with 1000W - Can i run the equipment with my standard wall sockets in my spare room? Will my electric bill jump to a "sketchy" level? 1000w initially sounds like a lot for a 4-6 plant I right?

I was looking into Hydro...and from what i've read the yields and quality can be veryyy impressive...but I've also read that its not exactly Newb friendly. It apparently (remember, im the newb here - so correct me if im wrong) requires a LOT of attention...and with a few small're whole harvest can get f'd. Although soil has it's problems as well...I think I want to stick with soil for this grow, then maybe try other methods as I become more confident as a grower.

So what do you think.... 400W or 600/1000? 400w looks sexy because I can manage the heat with the cooltube & single exhuast system. Would the yields from a 400w differ greatly from 1000w under 4-6 plants (assuming all other conditions remain equal)

Thanks again fellas + rep on the way


Well-Known Member
the organic soil is not bad ive had no problems wat so ever with it and never heard of anyone havin problems

if ur only gonna do like 5 plants at a time i would only get a 600w HPS with ballast

good luck happy growing
I have to throw in my two cents here. Hydro growing seems to be the thing that will produce the most yield and that’s even enviro friendly. Of course, it seems you’re just looking for a little growth and not trying to stockpile your entire neighborhood.

Do you think a hydro setup would be more or less expensive than a traditional soil setup? I’m just starting to price things out and I don’t have a lot of money to spare.

$2000 sounds like too much for me!

Stay green!:eyesmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
My suggestion would be to buy a grow tent on fleabay, and pretty much everything else you need. If you can't get Fox Farms locally, you can pick up some Miracle Gro (I know, I know) *Organic Growers Choice*; it's really good stuff and not expensive. Also buy the following soil amendments: Cottonseed meal, bone meal, blood meal, dolomitic lime, and agricultural lime. Get the smallest containers available of these cause you'll only be using a little of each. Get either 3 gal grow bags or 5 gal buckets. If you use the buckets, drill several 1/4" holes in the bottom for drainage. Mix up your MG soil, add a handful of blood meal, a handful of bone meal, a double handful of cottonseed meal, and a good handful of each of the limes and mix it all up real good.

Personally I would buy some good *blue* LED lights (ask them for their best price for buying 6 at the time; should be under $350) for vegging and a 400w HPS with a Cool Tube for flowering. I would start off with 8 plants and hope for at least 4 girls. Watch for sex when they get 8 nodes; you should be able to tell then. While you're buying stuff on fleabay, pick up one of the ionic ball air purifiers; I swear you will love it; it's like $20 and it will do the job as good as a $200 carbon filter.

Pop da beans and you're good to go man! With a soil grow you're not going to need meters or pH up/down or a bunch of nutes. If your plants look like they need something extra later on, you can pick it up.