Need some Help with hydroponics

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New Member
eww..hahah. I'll see if I can get some cal-mag. Although the plants seem to be doing good now. They stopped growing upward though. Is that normal? I guess the growth has been diverted to the buds right...

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Hey bear! I really appreciate you coming by and helping me out, even more so being that I am one of the few! Thank you for that!

Well I changed my res the other night and pushed on the Gh nutes, so we shall see what becomes of that. The bud sites are really taking off! They seem to be getting fatter and more frosty! I have to get some batteries for my camera so pics will come later on. Thanks again for stopping by!

No problem pirate. How much of that Gh are you giving the gals now and how far into flower are you?
As long as you go slow with your increases in food amounts you may be able to push them more than GH suggests to do so you get bigger buds...

But then again I use Gh3 part as well...(flora series) I usually end my peak flower feed @ twice as much bloom food as they recommend...and thats in soil or coco:P


New Member
I'm actually going full strenght on all the nutes. This will be the first time I kick up all of the nutes. I'm in the 4thwk of flowering.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
eww..hahah. I'll see if I can get some cal-mag. Although the plants seem to be doing good now. They stopped growing upward though. Is that normal? I guess the growth has been diverted to the buds right...

Indica plants usually stretch to twice the size they were in veg by the time they are done with upwards growth, sometimes just a wee bit more.
Sativas can stretch to 2-5 times size that they started off into flower @...

Depending on how far along into flower you are I would say that its normal and is a sign that the plant will just start packing on pistil weight. If I remember right you should be 3 weeks into flower and 5 weeks from changing lights to 12/12 to force sex the plants so If I am correct in my timelines you should be slowing down in verticle growth or had stopped it by now...

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
hello net pirate i have a question.... some people have told me once i start flowering to keep the veg nutes in for at least a week then switch to bloom nutes..... do you think i should do that or whats your opinion. ive heard that the plant still needs the veg nutes for a few days i dunno help:)

If your plants are sexually mature and showing wheather they are female or male then go ahead and start them on bloom nutes and cut your Veg nutes by half and use those like so for a week...

If they havent shown maturity yet then you should keep the veg nutes in there 2/3 strength until they mature and then make the switch like above....

Adding the flower food will encourage faster transition, and still feeding some Nitrogen rich food will allow your plant to have the nutrients that it fully needs to complete its stretching phase. After that is over, go light on the Nitrogen or cut it out totally and use it as needed...

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
I'm actually going full strenght on all the nutes. This will be the first time I kick up all of the nutes. I'm in the 4thwk of flowering.
assuming that your plants are anywhere from 10-12 week strains then I figure you should be able to peak your feed @ twice the reccomended dose on GH. Ive not used solids though so It likely depends on what formula you are using as well....

my peak feed with the 3 part ends up being about 5tsp per gallon bloom food,
2tsp per gallon veg food,
and 3tsp per gallon micro food.
They reccomend heaviest you go to be 3-2-2 (in order I listed them in)

I really wish you had a ppm meter to use and Id have a better idea of where your @ now and where you could peak @ to start coming down on food enough to flush without the plant sucking out all the nutes in her b4 shes totally done....

sorry Im such a winded poster as well....


New Member
I am looking into ordering a ppm for next grow. For now its without.

I am @ 3tsp for bloom nutes, 2tsp with the vegan compost tea and 1tbl for ff big bloom all per gallon and phed with advanced nutes ph down.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
see if you cant push it to double of that by the eighth or ninth week....
Give them just enough for them to turn yellow and then back off the nutes a tiny bit till they adjust to that. By doing it that way you can effectively push the plant as much as you can, without having a meter.

Ive been doing it like that for 5 years now and just recently got a ppm meter myself. It makes things Hella easier...lots less guesswork.

another thing you may wanna keep in mind. Suppliments can often be okay to use from different nutrient lines, but Ive seen people have issues by not using the same set of base nutes (like Gh for veg and FF for flower)
we all know typical results cant always be expected though and you may never have an issue with it, but it is a thought.


Well-Known Member
Wow, long ass thread. I will try and review more of it when I get time. Got some where I have to be at 8:00 and my sorry ass needs to get into the shower.

Have a good one!


Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
I will surely try this! Anything to make more bud!!

I feel you there chicka.

In that case when you can come up with an extra $32 Add another 150watts of HPS in there above them....
Does take a bit of wire patching to make the ballast remote, but thats EASY. as simple as snipping a couple wires and reconnecting them to a longer one and putting some wire nuts and tape on the spot you tied them back in @.

small improvements little by little make the best grow areas.;)


New Member
Awesome!!!! I am getting this! Thanks.

I was wondering, If im in the 4thwk and I have a sativa and indica, when will the indica be ready? Also the indica seems to have the same growth in pistils as the sativa. THe only differance is the indica plant is a lot shorter and WAY LESS stems.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Awesome!!!! I am getting this! Thanks.

I was wondering, If im in the 4thwk and I have a sativa and indica, when will the indica be ready? Also the indica seems to have the same growth in pistils as the sativa. THe only differance is the indica plant is a lot shorter and WAY LESS stems.

no problem gal, I have the link bookmarked. Many people using mainly cfls find it easier to use smaller wattage HID lighting rather than trying to set up a big HID setup all @ once...

there is more to learn than just sativa and indica plants pirate. There are also groupings called Phenotypes.
What those are is actually just smaller sub traits of plants based on specific characters about a plant type.
While There is a strain called Lowryder2 and they seem to be mainly indica plants, there are tall and short phenotypes of LR2... This just means there are a few different looking kinds of them, but they are all the same strain and just have minor differences in traits that they develop.

What you have are 2 different Phenotypes because the genes you are growing are not stable. When using stable genetics from an Inbred Line (IBL) you can take a male and female of any 2 in a group of seeds and make more seeds with them and they will be exactlly like the parents...

Yours would have never done that, no matter how many seeds you started, there would have been several differnt kinds of looking plants even though they all are sativa.

The shorter one is just a little more indica dominant. It just got a lil more of those genes from one side of the parents because they arent stable.

that make sense or did I confuse you? Your starting to get down the road of breeding...or I guess I am. LOL
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