Need some Help with hydroponics

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Well-Known Member
i finally harvested the rest of my girl ... 88days flowering
you can see how the lower buds are missing their tops....i cant believe i smoke them all already ...


Well-Known Member
hey pirate! it want be too long before you are doing some chopping huh? 2-3 weeks? getting excited? i remember on my first grow i had a male Lowryder 2 and when i had to cut it I put it in a ziplock bag and smelt it for days..smelt so good even though it was a male..little did i know what was to come...nothing like your own harvest!


Well-Known Member
How was the smoke? Are you gonna cure it?
gonna cure as much as i can

nice uplifting high that keeps going the more you smoke, i will be curing most of it... it taste pretty good now,smoothe :eyesmoke:

the buds i been smoking hang for about 4 days and then cut off stem and into a glass jar.
it gets better after its been in their longer... sadly by the time that happens ... thats the last nug and it was time to cut another fresh bud.
well no more of that now :hump::hug:

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Im so pissed...blew out the amp for the speakers in my car this morning jamming tool out so I could wake up....
Came here to see some plants and had to go way back for an update, can I convince you to break out the camera for a lil photoshoot?


New Member
Im so pissed...blew out the amp for the speakers in my car this morning jamming tool out so I could wake up....
Came here to see some plants and had to go way back for an update, can I convince you to break out the camera for a lil photoshoot?

Sure thing! Sorry about the amp. Maybe it's just a busted channel. Try hooking it up bridged! It will sound better anyway!

I'll snap some photos right now!


New Member
Here ya go ! Plus I got around to hooking up the 70w HPS for the lower plant. Now I think I have to wear shades to walk in there. It's bright orange and hurts my eyes. Sorry I mixed the INdy and Sati pics up. The cal def on the leaves are the old leaves that were effected before the cal-mag. It hink... I HOPE!



New Member
Here's the thing.. I just back tracked and on the 23rd, the plants will have been on the 7th week!!!! Isn't the indica supposed to be done!!!???? What if it is a hybrid sativa as well.. It looks fatter but no where near fat bud done!!!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry too much about weeks per say, I know, its hard... I do it too...

but since these are bag seed (right?) wh knows... dont some strains take up to 12 weeks??
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