Need some Help with hydroponics

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Well-Known Member
heres some of my pre sexn pics for ya ... top one is obvious... the one below is what you can look out for on seeing female.:weed:



New Member
you guys rock!! im not so mad now... thank you for checking in! i hope everyone is doing good and ready to eat turkey and smoke !!


Well-Known Member
how many plants do you have?..On the majority of your pics i see just new growth..but on a select few I'm 75% sure that your going to have a female..especially the first pic..if you look close enough you can tell two hairs splitting thats a good 2-3 more days you should be able to tell..but sometimes males start showing a lot sooner..


New Member
how many plants do you have?..On the majority of your pics i see just new growth..but on a select few I'm 75% sure that your going to have a female..especially the first pic..if you look close enough you can tell two hairs splitting thats a good 2-3 more days you should be able to tell..but sometimes males start showing a lot sooner..

3 plants on this grow. the majority of the pics are the same plant. the last couple are the other ones. i got confused posting them. lol. so you think female!! i really hope so. im excited and nervous at the same time. hopefully the beans will come through and i can grow some good stuff.:weed:


Well-Known Member
3 plants on this grow. the majority of the pics are the same plant. the last couple are the other ones. i got confused posting them. lol. so you think female!! i really hope so. im excited and nervous at the same time. hopefully the beans will come through and i can grow some good stuff.:weed:
yeah I think female..especially looking at the first pic..if there was one pistol coming out then thats a preflower for a male..atleast in what ive read and witnessed..yeah I understand the nervousness of it..its a good nervous huh?..oh the beans will come through!..:mrgreen:

dang i smoked some Lowryder 2 tonight..great smoke!..lots of cyrstals!..


hey there netpirate,as always looking good.;)

have just read thru your whole post and like the improvements you have made on your way,you will just have to wait and see on the sex.of the plant i mean.i can not tell for sure from your photos but they are looking healthy

what strength nutes are you giving them and have you got any additives for budding.
but just keep doing what you are doing and keep an eye on your ph it can be a hassel for the plant i am always checking mine run off as look like you are a devoted gardiner. bongsmiliebongsmilie

P.S.:clap::clap::clap: on the diy & gotta say hi to the man27


Well-Known Member
hey hey whats up drifter! your name should be and your super yeah props to pirate..she is now officially addicted to growing weed..and seems to be making all adjustments as possible to make it a better grow..all i know is this website really helped me out to..and still is..


Well-Known Member
Heres something I thought u might like and should help out alot....

Preflowers, as opposed to full blown flowers, generally appear after the fourth week of vegetative growth from seed. Check carefully above the fourth node. Please note that preflowers are very small and impossible to differentiate without magnification. A photographer's 10x loupe is handy indeed when examining preflowers.

As the images below demonstrate, the female preflower is pear shaped and produces a pair of pistils. Frequently, the female preflowers do not show pistils until well after the preflowers have emerged. Thus, don't yank a plant because it has no pistils.Pistillate preflowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Female (pistillate)

Female (pistillate)

Image courtesy of Uncle Ben

The male preflower and flower may be described as a "ball on a stick." Frequently, a male plant will develop mature staminate flowers after prolonged periods of vegetative growth. These appear in clusters around the nodes.

The following image shows a male plant in early flowering. Staminate flowers are located at the node between
the stipule and emerging branch. Note the clusters of flowers.

Male (staminate)

The image below shows a male pre flower after 24 days of 18/6.

Image contributed by: surfed

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02-06-2007, 07:11 PM

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Nice thorough post Major Toke....

Xenu... you win. indicator flower. My current grow has a hermie.. Grrr... found that in week 5 of flower.. barely any male flowers so I'll just leave it in the room... damage is already done.

Your picture doesn't look hermie.. (but I'm not inspecting the actual plant.) Your picture is also not an auto flowering strain ... like my first grow was.. that was wierd. there were actually flower... not a little pre-flower bud. Suspect crossed with ruderalis strain.... ... it was okay but not very potent.

Your picture looks normal to what I've seen in my garden... flower it before it gets too big... like I did. you can run out of room fast.

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