Need some honest advice

meechz 024

Active Member
For the record, this is a good reason and upside for fucking early in a relationship.

So men don't have to deal with bullshit like this,ya know.
......just saying.


Staff member
Carnes right just ask her outright, tell her what her friend said and ask her to be honest with you, and have a crafty look for tell tale signs such as an Adam's apple a more pronounced jaw line I'm sure you would know if she had been a man just by looking at her a man is a man at the end of the day wether his bits have been chopped off or not, it's beyond me why anyone would want to be a woman it's a hard life you know. :cry:
you'd be surprised theres a reason why they feel the need to change their gender and you could HARDLY tell sometimes if they're transgender or not, and thats because they're ment to be the other sex then what their born

as for the story, you need to have a calm sit down talk, this is a big issue, this is like not telling someone you were married before, or have children , big deals you need to talk about before you go any further.
Love is love, most of us preach that love is love now , and we should actually take that into consideration in these situations, weather or not she was male at one point she obviously NEVER considered herself male, to her she was always a she,

dont leave someone you could truly have a good life with because people will make fun of you, or call you names, dont let people bully or judge you, if you truly want to be with her, then do so.

and obviously youre not gay she has a tits and a vagina, thats not gay lol


I do have pics but I don't think it would be very smart of me to post them. If she truly is hiding from her past then it might cause her some problems. She doesn't have a facebook and wouldn't even let me post any pics of her on mine.


Well-Known Member
Well it's pretty fucking obvious that you need to ask this person point blank as other posters have said. The longer you wait the harder it's gonna hurt. The both of you. Good luck and I hope you get the answer you're hoping for.


Undercover Mod
I do have pics but I don't think it would be very smart of me to post them. If she truly is hiding from her past then it might cause her some problems. She doesn't have a facebook and wouldn't even let me post any pics of her on mine.
It's gonna bother you till your relationship ends. That is a massive secret.


Well-Known Member
flat out ask... if its true, dont even say any thing and just punch that dude right in the mouth for lying then leave that vagina... or atleast get a hooker, watch porn, go to strip club or something and figure out what a vagina looks like.. dont worry man, with rollitups investigation crew helping we'll get to the bottom of this.


Well-Known Member
You can easily tell by the vagina. If its all kinds of fucked up looking and her vaginal canal is really shallow, like 5 inches or some shit... then yea, you might be fuckin with a former dude. First test, if you are packin heat, lay into "her" real deep, if you hit a wall, you might be fuckin with a dude. Test two, throw it in "her" ass, if "she" moans like a dude because thats what he is used to, then you might be fuckin with a dude. Step three, and by far the most simple, fucking ask him/her.


Well-Known Member
Like most people said, sit it down and ask it the question.

Whatever the outcome, when someone starts acting sketchy about meeting their friends or family, or isn't particularly 'open' about their past, alarm bells in my head start ringing. I don't like being made a fool of, so I'd rather my partner told me information which is pertinent to our relationship, and decide for myself what the deal-breakers are. I am against people trying to think for me; "I can't tell him this because he'll hate me for it." Wrong. I'll hate you for thinking you know me better than I know myself.


OP wants honest advice?

Brutally honest ........another ghost account!! Wakey wakey guys!! :)

Don't know what you mean? Sometimes it's best to get advice from people outside of your own personal group of friends.

All the advice is greatly appreciated and I think I'm just gonna ask and hope for the best.