Need some honest advice


We've had sex many times and IF it's even a possibility that the rumors are true I can't tell. It's not like she refuses to have the lights on and all we do is anal. I've been face to face with it and it seems as real as they get. She's never disappointed.

The thing is that if it's true I can't just overlook it and pretend like I never heard it. I'm not gay and I'm no homophobe, I've been friends with gay people but it's not my thing. I have gay friends but I can't watch them kiss or be affectionate toward each other in front of me and they respect that. So confused on what to do. I enjoy being with her and we have a great relationship but I know it couldn't survive this if it's true. Part of me wants to know but the other part of me is afraid to find out. :-|


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't care.

If you think she is attractive, you have fun and she treats you right, then let people talk.

I live in a very "white" town and I married an Asian woman. Some people have told me it is "not right" to mix races, but I just laugh because people care more about her race than I do.

People will probably always talk shit about you guys, but if you are happy, does it really matter?

Side note: I never understood how people could waste their lives caring about what others do? If that person isn't hurting others or hurting themselves, why waste your own time worrying? How does that fulfill a person when the people they talk about are more interesting then them?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Well, you can dance around this all you like but the final answer would be to confront her with what was said.
You'll know unequivocally then.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
First off find out if she has a cock. If she is a post-op tranny there will be obvious scaring. Or the best thing to do, just ask her.

OK. You've had sex already. Obviously no cock. Any scaring around genitals area? Again, best bet is to ask her. If she/he really cares about you they are the one that should of brought it up.


Well-Known Member
Check the medicine cabinet...feminine hygiene products??

Smells like fish-tastes like chicken??

Do you enjoy being with her, if so...who the fuck cares what we have to say.


Well-Known Member
Look if she is hot, and her shit doesn't seem weird of fucked up, then I'd bet they were fcking with you. Does she have real tits, or implants, seems like a first place to start. Does she get a period, have you been with her long enough to know? If you don't want to confront her I believe there are ways to determine these things. I'd also go so far as to say that if she is in fact a she now(has the right gear)then you would not be "being gay".

Another poster asked a good question do you love her?


Well-Known Member
Just make sure if you get a motel it's more than 10 miles from your house.

It's not gay if it's more than 10 miles from your house


Well-Known Member
Look if she is hot, and her shit doesn't seem weird of fucked up, then I'd bet they were fcking with you. Does she have real tits, or implants, seems like a first place to start. Does she get a period, have you been with her long enough to know? If you don't want to confront her I believe there are ways to determine these things. I'd also go so far as to say that if she is in fact a she now(has the right gear)then you would not be "being gay".

Another poster asked a good question do you love her?
Good question, if you have a Maglite flashlight... kill the lights for 'flashlight time' and aim them up from the underside of the tits.. if you see light, they're fake.