Need some info!first grow coming up

Hello there!

I was gathering the materials to start my own first grow.. After some questions i have decided to use the following. This is going to be in my closet , as i live in a flat.

3 x 11 litre square pots. filled with Bio Bizz All Mix which is blend of perlite, worm castings, peat, top soil and organic fertilizer. Its considered to be good for those who dont want to add a lot of nutrients to their plants.

PL fluorescent light - 19.200 lumens and about 220 watt. also 24hr timers for the lights
http://www.greenfinger-hydroponics.c...?ArticleID=861 ( is this good enough for veg-flower?)
I am not too sure about the light. Should i get 1 CFL blue spectrum 125 watt and 1 CFL red spectrum 125 watt and run them together all the time ? Or get 1 CFL blue spectrum 250 watt and run alone for the veg and 1 CFL red spectrum 250 watt red spectrum and run it alone at flowering??)

Two oscillating fans , placed in the 2 corners of the closet

PH electric meter

ph up/down

temperature meter

Canna Terra/Coco nutrients


Ill put 3 seeds in a wet napkin and place in an open jar in a cool place.When their root pops out, ill make small holes in the soil by putting half my finger in , place the seed with the root pointing up and cover lightly with soil. then ill add very little water in room temperature. The lights are lit 20 hrs a day.50 centimetres from the plants at all times I will be checking the Ph to be about 7, the temperature at about 26 celcius degrees for the whole process of the grow.If it gets too cold ill make the fans slower. if its too hot ill get another fan. I plan to open the closet about 2 times a day to renew the air.

Ill wait until it grows and then keep adding a bit more water( that i left it to sit for 24 hrs to reduce the chlorine). I will water every about 3-4 days ( i will be checking if the soil is still moist ,if it is i will wait for a day or two ). I will use the nutrients once a week and less than what is written in the bottle( dont want to over nute them ). i plan to supercrop at 3 weeks, just to make the central branch stronger and produce more buds over all. ive done this with some of my moms plants back at home and they produced more flowers.At about 4 weeks , when the plants are of considerate size I will start the flowering . This is when ill change to 12 hrs light / 12 hrs dark. I will increase the nutes(still once a week but the dosage that is recommended on the bottle). Will harvest when the last buds are starting to mature. Will dry them in jars, and open the jar once or twice a day to let the moisture out.

So how does this sound? Is there anything that i havent thought yet? and is Kali mist a goodchoice? or should i use any other strain ? Im looking for a creative high , that will relax me at the same time as i am very stressed all the time.



Well-Known Member
Growing isn't hard, you can do it without a lot of the things people normally insist upon. You're comments about chlorine would be correct in the 90's, but its 2010 now and in my city they attach sulfates to your chlorine molecules so they do not break down by sitting out for 48 hours or oxygenating. BUY RO WATER! then foliar feed your plants calcium/magnesium with any organic based solution (most nutrient solutions will advise this). What you should do is talk to your local hydro store and ask them if they have a chemist that helps them out. Now get on this chemists good side and he will show you a lot of things you are doing inefficiently (NEVER A WRONG WAY TO GROW). Best of luck friend! I've been doing this for four years and i learn new stuff EVERYDAY, TIP:
