Need Some Info On Seed Banks Please!!


Well-Known Member
im looking to start grabbing some seeds. i heard Attitude is the best. but there are many others too that i am sure are good. someone started a thread a few weeks back about which banks let you use Paypal. i do not feel comfortable using my credit card. plus with conversion rates, and different currencies, it just seems a little confusing. id like to get a good idea on which are the best banks to buy from. and which banks are the ones that accept Paypal. also while im here, i would like to know how people order from Attitude if they do not accept Paypal. i have a Paypal credit card, so i can always use that. but as far as which ones are reliable and safe to order from with a credit card, who accepts American credit cards as well as Paypal? i would love to start a little list if possible so i can try them out. and not jsut stick to one seed bank.


Well-Known Member
Attitude has a nice selection but some companies seeds could be old and sitting on old stock forever. If you choose attitude id stick to nice as tbey usually sell out so u should be getting fairly new stock from these breeders.

Id also check out breeday/cannasuer, cannazon, and cannacollective. All these sites have breederhelp desks with just about all the informatio u need on the strain and are very reputible.

Id also reccomend hemp depot which has been around for some time and have some nice breeders (not greenhouse or dutch passion but they have there gear there) i have not ordered from them yet BUT i hear nothing but good things. The only place to get joey weed and beanho (good genetics at good prices)

Do some research.and take your time


Well-Known Member
i have been hearing nothing but good things about Barneys. even the dude at the hydro shop i frequent has mentioned them. i have seen Attitude, and they have a very large selection, that is kind of scary. too many selections can lead one to be taken and end up with bad results. i for one have done a little research and sort of know what im looking for and know i need to do homework before placing any order. thanks for the advise!!


Active Member
why not try mixing seed banks. go to and try a range of seeds before choosing a bank thats what i have done and have found barneys come out on top. their highest THC is pineapple chunk at 25% their LSD at 24% tangerine dream at 25% and their blue cheese is meant to be the best mine is 2 weeks into flower and is looking quite nice. now its my personal mission to grow all of their strains.


Well-Known Member
ive heard about Barney's. ill try them out. my main concern is finding a bank that accepts my methods of payments and they ship to me.


Well-Known Member
possibly.... lol!! yeah im somewhere floating around in the states.



Well-Known Member
i would need more info on them before i place an order. were are you located? and by which method did you make payment?


Active Member
I would definitely NOT use paypal because they keep a record of your purchases and who knows when the gov will want to see a record of consumer purchases using paypal?? nobody knows the future to say that couldn't happen.
In terms of payment, lots of people on the forums seem to use either reloadable credit cards or prepaid credit cards. With the prepaid card you have to make sure that the card is accepted internationally. as long as you stick to the big reputable banks you should be fine. Don't use small banks or ones that aren't well known, lots of these pop up banks are plain old scammers. The reason I use attitude is that they get to me the fastest of all the banks and they follow up on emails.


Well-Known Member
any paper trail is going to bite you in the ass. using paypal is actually safer then using your bank card. unfortunately, i had to use my own damn card, too!! oh well. i see so many people buying seeds in the states, that the only trouble i see my self running into is with customs. i live in a medical state, i have my med card, so i am not too concerned with many laws. the only law i feel im breaking is well, none! so, my bank card, your bank card, it does not really matter to me that much. my concern was with Paypal, because if i do not receive my item, i can file a claim for item not received. i do not have the time to go and buy a prepaid gift card. although, i may in the future think about doing that, just for extra bonus. thanks for the info, however i know all about Paypal and how they work.
just ordered again from attitude. used cc got my beans in about 3 weeks. freebies were what they were supposed to be. unless something happens they have my business
so, my bank card, your bank card, it does not really matter to me that much. my concern was with Paypal, because if i do not receive my item, i can file a claim for item not received. i do not have the time to go and buy a prepaid gift card. although, i may in the future think about doing that, just for extra bonus. thanks for the info, however i know all about Paypal and how they work.
Ive used my bank card with Attitude nobody is knockin on my door, And if you pay extra with attitude you get a Mug or T-SHIRT and attitude guarantees your delivery. Most prepaid cards say on them US only and wont work with these seedbanks. If your really shook about getting caught use they are more expensive seed wise and have less of a selection but I guarantee they are the best when it comes to stealth packaging. I ordered from them get some BS in the mail saying I won a free ashtry. I got pissed broke the ashtray and the seeds were in a bag inside the ashtray
mid u.s. i use c.c. through attitude. just ordered their pick n mix couple days ago. got barneys violator kush. they have my business. if customs catches your seeds they send you a letter saying your not getting them. hasnt happened to me but thats what they say


Well-Known Member
i think i maybe getting a po box. but im not too concerned at this time. i have friends in other states that order. plus they have a "Jon Doe" shipping service. so if paranoia arises then i have some options. i just can't believe this is so!! i dont have to drive 300+ miles now!!!

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
I've used Attitude with good results, 13 days from order to completion, also had great reults from Sannies, 6 days to completion and the best customer service anywhere................


Well-Known Member
ill let ya'll know how my orders go. just placed 2. may need to hold off on seeds for a while now, need Co2, and just found out the controllers i want and the tank its going to cost a lot more then i thought. so, im kinda back to the "Grow Room Design" threads.