Need some info? Please help


Ok, My girl has been outside flowering and were getting ready to get a thunderstorm. My plant has never been threw this before. I veg'd her inside and flowered her outside. I leave her outside for 12 hours then I bring her inside for the other 12. So my question is, once the storm comes in, should i bring her inside and place her by a window or what, just leave her outside? Any suggestions help?


Well-Known Member
I would bring it in because a heavy downpour would not help your plant. Seeing that you move her around a lot, being by your window for a day or two won't hurt her. She'll just think it is cloudy:)


Well-Known Member
Personally I would bring it in, just to prevent the buds from becoming saturated with water, if the buds do get wet and stay wet then you run the risk of mold forming on your buds, this is usually exacerbated by cooler temperatures but still I think you're better off not taking the risk


Active Member
I guess i'd bring em in too, but thats just me. You could always set up some sort of tarp/tent if you continue to flower outside, might help =T

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i bring them in when i'm home when a storm approaches and then back out after it passes. i especially do that as the plants get in the late flowering stages because i live in a high humidity area. if you can't bring them in don't worry, the plants are tough as hell. GL