Need some information on how much light. Going to be using CFL.


Well-Known Member
you know when i vegged under my 1000w hps i found i got significantly stronger and thicker stems hmmm very intresting
By all means please share with others. I think the key point here lies within aspiration. You see, a blue spectrum will not inhibit aspiration as will the red spectrum. Therefore under say a 6500 kelvin lamp the leaves will aspirate, and the plant will stretch. Under a lamp of say 3500 kelvin the plant will not aspirate nearly as much therefore the capillaries within the stem will "swell" giving the plant much thicker stems and an overall denser appearance.

I think perhaps one can benefit from a mix spectrum during vegetative growth and if short stature or the need for thicker stems to perhaps hold up heavier flowers is the case, A light source in the lower kelvin range would be to their advantage.




Ive been using 26 watters from walmart then i came across the 65 watter at home depot by accident lol. Grab that SOB threw her in next light cycle and my plants love it! I want to throw mine into flowering soon but wanna add one more 65 watter in there. to bring me up to 200 watts. right now im pushing some 148 i think it is. you can check out my grow in my sig.

Idk why it didnt save in my sig but heres the link if you wanna see how i have it set up.