Need some knowledge from a guru man

Where is this free soil testing service and why do you not have a test done by them yet??? Post pics or it didn't happen!

I never mentioned any "free" tests. I was referring to the accreditation process and the government staff who regulate soil test labs in order to protect the consumer, as well as the government website providing the list of accredited organizations available in the part of the world in which you live. Obviously this is rather country dependent, and not all countries provide these resources to consumers. If such a service is available in your country, then why not take advantage of it? ;)
I never mentioned any "free" tests. I was referring to the accreditation process and the government staff who regulate soil test labs in order to protect the consumer, as well as the government website providing the list of accredited organizations available in the part of the world in which you live. Obviously this is rather country dependent, and not all countries provide these resources to consumers. If such a service is available in your country, then why not take advantage of it? ;)
So, you admit that you have no idea what I'm talking about and all that you are doing is following me around trying to discredit me because "you just don't like me". You have no fucking idea what you are talking about then, thank you!
So your saying your saying running 40 to 50% perlite will cause quicker evaporation from the mix and make you mix dry out quicker right, that's what I just read, thus meaning you have to feed and water more with fresh oxygenated water to correct the drying out quickly problem right... Hell that sounds like a win win to me maybe that's why I never use less than 40% to my mix... Guess it works...View attachment 4726431
Nice man you do you... i'll stick to my way. Thats what's great about your own way, its yours. 20190722_223414.jpg
Hi everyone I started this thread a while ago as am a newbie to organics and had very little clue thought I would put update on to show how it is going so far.
After alot of information overload and dipping the toe in the rabbit hole (which I have well and truly now fallen down lol.) I decided to go with as close to a hippie grow as possible so am 2 and a half weeks in to flower this was a quick veg and flick to see how my compost holds up and to see if this new cross would Hermie,as French macron side of cross has Hermie tendancy's will know in 2-4 weeks. So have gone with a mix of peat perlite and homemade compost, small tent 250watt cooling tube am thinking about dropping daylight hours to mimic natural cycle (still pondering over that.) And maybe switching back to 400watt with shade any way
Thought I would throw some pics on and say massive big up and thank you IMG_20201205_090304.jpgIMG_20201205_090415.jpgIMG_20201205_090235.jpgIMG_20201205_090140.jpg
Thought I would throw some pics on and say massive big up and thank you

That looks like some pretty cool extreme LST in that second last photo with the small pot you're holding. It almost looks like you trained the stems to wrap into a knot there. Usually when I try something like that, there's a broken branch and a lot of swearing! lol
That looks like some pretty cool extreme LST in that second last photo with the small pot you're holding. It almost looks like you trained the stems to wrap into a knot there. Usually when I try something like that, there's a broken branch and a lot of swearing! lol
Thank you, Yeah that second last pic was a case of why not, there is 3 in that pot which I plaited together when I moved them from solo cups once I finished plaiting together I put tooth pick across top to stop them unravelling.
I'll be honest took a few attempts to do it.