Need some seedling help asap!!


The growth has seemed slow and a few of them are turning this light green colour. Seedlings moved 3 days ago to 3×3 tent under mars hydro ts 1000 hung about 26 inches. Soil is just a basic miracle grow seed starter mixed up with extra perlite. Watering whenever pots feel light which is everyday so far. Temps in tent 25 - 28C humidity is 50 - 65%. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


What's water schedule been like , keep humidity closer to your 65 mark, check soil pH first thing as well , I would run 18/6 don't do 24 straight with that phat unit , make sure they have a break, what strain is this ? And dont panic dude I am just around 2 weeks ahead of you 2 of my seedlings I didn't think we're gonna hold it down and are now doing awesome it does seem super slow at the beginning I find when there working under the soil


Well-Known Member
They're a little stretched. Can you move the light closer? They also appear over watered. Put some dry medium in an empty pot, and use it to compare to the planted pots to see if the planted pot is in fact ready for water. Unless you've got near zero humidity with high temps evaporating all of the water in the pot, those plants don't need water daily.

Also, what are you pH-ing your water to? What nutrients do you plan on feeding when the time comes?


What's water schedule been like , keep humidity closer to your 65 mark, check soil pH first thing as well , I would run 18/6 don't do 24 straight with that phat unit , make sure they have a break, what strain is this ? And dont panic dude I am just around 2 weeks ahead of you 2 of my seedlings I didn't think we're gonna hold it down and are now doing awesome it does seem super slow at the beginning I find when there working under the soil

Ph is at 7... lights are on 18/6. Just dont like the light green colour some are taking on.


They're a little stretched. Can you move the light closer? They also appear over watered. Put some dry medium in an empty pot, and use it to compare to the planted pots to see if the planted pot is in fact ready for water. Unless you've got near zero humidity with high temps evaporating all of the water in the pot, those plants don't need water daily.

Also, what are you pH-ing your water to? What nutrients do you plan on feeding when the time comes?
Using bottled spring water havent ph tested it. Feel like the pots they are in allow them to dry up very fast. Should i change the pots and ad some more nutrient rich soil like a pro mix?


Using bottled spring water havent ph tested it. Feel like the pots they are in allow them to dry up very fast. Should i change the pots and ad some more nutrient rich soil like a pro mix?
Here are the nutes i used last year for my outdoor grow. I was planning to use them on this on the indoor.



Take my advice with a grain of salt since I am on my first grow, but don’t be worried about the pots drying up. They likely aren’t as dry as you think they are. My understanding is that you want to leave them, if anything, a little under watered. Every time you water, the water will travel towards the bottom of the pot. The roots will follow the water down. But if you keep watering, there will always be sufficient water for them near the surface, and thus, little need for them to grow and migrate down to find the water. This slows the root development and consequently, the growth of the plant.
Honestly I'd probably your watering , definitely don't give them nuts in the first few weeks I am just starting to consider nutes now, and I wouldn't even try to transplant or anything rn while there like that , they definitely do looked a little bit thin I'd also make sure I was blowing on them super gently just to help stimulate the plants natural wind defence . Be patient and maintain your constant variables and I think you will be okay !


Well-Known Member
You might try misting the top of the pots with a spray bottle, whenever it looks dry. Works for me until they get some roots going.

Hope you have something better than miracle-gro soil to transplant into, when the time comes.


Take my advice with a grain of salt since I am on my first grow, but don’t be worried about the pots drying up. They likely aren’t as dry as you think they are. My understanding is that you want to leave them, if anything, a little under watered. Every time you water, the water will travel towards the bottom of the pot. The roots will follow the water down. But if you keep watering, there will always be sufficient water for them near the surface, and thus, little need for them to grow and migrate down to find the water. This slows the root development and consequently, the growth of the plant.
That makes total sense. Thanks for the input. Just got a little anxious when I saw the color change a little... guess patience is key and not over reacting to things.


Well-Known Member
Take my advice with a grain of salt since I am on my first grow, but don’t be worried about the pots drying up. They likely aren’t as dry as you think they are. My understanding is that you want to leave them, if anything, a little under watered. Every time you water, the water will travel towards the bottom of the pot. The roots will follow the water down. But if you keep watering, there will always be sufficient water for them near the surface, and thus, little need for them to grow and migrate down to find the water. This slows the root development and consequently, the growth of the plant.
Over watering also drowns the plants ability to uptake feed, so signs of all sorts of deficiencies will be inevitable.


Honestly I'd probably your watering , definitely don't give them nuts in the first few weeks I am just starting to consider nutes now, and I wouldn't even try to transplant or anything rn while there like that , they definitely do looked a little bit thin I'd also make sure I was blowing on them super gently just to help stimulate the plants natural wind defence . Be patient and maintain your constant variables and I think you will be okay !
Ok thanks man. Fingers crossed


You might try misting the top of the pots with a spray bottle, whenever it looks dry. Works for me until they get some roots going.

Hope you have something better than miracle-gro soil to transplant into, when the time comes.
Ok I'll try the spray bottle. I have some Ocean Forest soil waiting when they are ready to go.
a soil moisture meter is cheap and your friend , I understand completely what it's like to be worrying, keep us updated ! I personally just went through the battle of getting them through that stage and trying to figure out how much to water and do to my worrying and shit I overwatered . Then my recourse was to let them be and gave them a tiny reduction in light they really don't need to be watered everyday when there super small definitely doesn't help.
Sounds good... will definitely send you an update. Thanks for the help bro.
No problem I don't know much lol but I litterly just went through that might lose a few of my plants from from to much water , the science Involved in plants is extremely interesting