need some suggestions


Active Member
Hi guys need a little help here

going to start a few plants inside, was thinking of buying a small tent 2 x 4 x 48

to start a few for summmer... -one like this

now i was thinking a 200 watt cfl so deosnt give off too much heat, and iv used one before and seemed to work good but im up for suggestions , LED ,MH anything ,cant really do too much ventilation

even suggestions on some soil and nutrients ..would help, the water here is hard

i gotta try and keep it on the DL cuz i live in a condo, land lord never comes but dont wanna do anything to big , ws thinking of starting 2 mother plants , and also a few auto flowers for something to do

whats a good autoflower to try? eventually these will be going out side, might keep a few inside but not sure yet

where i live the season is short so have to start soon



Well-Known Member
120.00 shipped for that tent is a good deal. Don't let anyone talk you out of buying it. Go with t5 fluorescents
for that tent if your concerend about heat.


Well-Known Member
that tent design is nice but u might think about the ones that are 6 feet tall
u are going to lose height from the planter .......and u need height with the lights something that tall is ment for the veggie/cloning stage of the plant (when they are smaller)

ok as for the rest of it ...........u need to make a few basic choices
1 soil or hydro .............if u are brand new get soil it is forgiving hydro is not
2 seeds......Photo or Autos...............this greatlly matters for the Light u would use and time settings

here is the skinny
with photo plants u need to controll the light u are given them........the wave lenghts this is what triggers the plant for growth u want 5000k to 6500k (in cfl terms daylight and bright daylight ) blue light ..........and in flowering u want 2700k-3000k (warm red light)
now the times are 18/6 for grow that is 18 hours on and 6 hours off...............flower is a 12/12 timing and during that dark time no light may touch the plants (no working or looking during this time) if u go CFL T5s or LED u will need 2 sets of lights .................the mass benfit about photos is u can grow them fro a long time make a huge plant then make alot of some / grow them clip them/clone them to make a whole bunch

with autos it is much simpler..........they are geneticaly triggered based of time and amount of food it has/uses
a auto grow can be set on 1 time table like 20/4 or 18/6 for the whole grow (light getting on them during off time is bad but not horribly like with photo) the other thing about them is they like multi spec light so u could use just 1 light if is correctly done ( your case a mutli spec LED ) ......down side /upside your call ...........the time it takes to grow them is short so if u mess up recovering from it is harder your over all amount will be lower due to your mistake / the time is short i mean with in 73 days of planting the seed in the soil u can have smoke

fox farms ocean forrest .........roots organic..........sunshine mix # 4 (this is the all time best soil) ...........alot of ppl mix sunshine in with one of the others becuase of the fungi in sunshine( if u do this just rem u have to let the soil sit and rest for 1 month atleast .......use a new trashcan mix it up and set someplace some sun gets on and add a gallon of water once a week )

feed lines
as u are going soil most likey u want to pick a Organic ............2 reason if u sell it ...u can market it as organic and ask more from yuppies/hippisters..........the other importanf reason is they feed the fungi and micbros in the soil helping the plants roots get more food into them with the huge benift of keeping the soil PHed to 6.5 so u have alot less work .................look up GO box

i am tring LEDs now ..........i will say aviod using CFLs u will get a lower amount always i changed mine from cfls to outside i got anouther oz and half from same strain same feed same soil and when i was HID i was getting 4 oz of that strain the maximum the breeders posted for it


Well-Known Member
well the avg 3 gallon planter is 12 inches
and the light if it is high powered led(300 watt) needs a foot to 2 feet above it .......even a t5 needs a foot

and that is only 4 foot leaving 1 foot to 1 and half feet for the plant to grow ...........only thing i know grows that short are ryders in a 2 gallon bag


Active Member
that tent design is nice but u might think about the ones that are 6 feet tall
u are going to lose height from the planter .......and u need height with the lights something that tall is ment for the veggie/cloning stage of the plant (when they are smaller)

ok as for the rest of it ...........u need to make a few basic choices
1 soil or hydro .............if u are brand new get soil it is forgiving hydro is not
2 seeds......Photo or Autos...............this greatlly matters for the Light u would use and time settings

here is the skinny
with photo plants u need to controll the light u are given them........the wave lenghts this is what triggers the plant for growth u want 5000k to 6500k (in cfl terms daylight and bright daylight ) blue light ..........and in flowering u want 2700k-3000k (warm red light)
now the times are 18/6 for grow that is 18 hours on and 6 hours off...............flower is a 12/12 timing and during that dark time no light may touch the plants (no working or looking during this time) if u go CFL T5s or LED u will need 2 sets of lights .................the mass benfit about photos is u can grow them fro a long time make a huge plant then make alot of some / grow them clip them/clone them to make a whole bunch

with autos it is much simpler..........they are geneticaly triggered based of time and amount of food it has/uses
a auto grow can be set on 1 time table like 20/4 or 18/6 for the whole grow (light getting on them during off time is bad but not horribly like with photo) the other thing about them is they like multi spec light so u could use just 1 light if is correctly done ( your case a mutli spec LED ) ......down side /upside your call ...........the time it takes to grow them is short so if u mess up recovering from it is harder your over all amount will be lower due to your mistake / the time is short i mean with in 73 days of planting the seed in the soil u can have smoke

fox farms ocean forrest .........roots organic..........sunshine mix # 4 (this is the all time best soil) ...........alot of ppl mix sunshine in with one of the others becuase of the fungi in sunshine( if u do this just rem u have to let the soil sit and rest for 1 month atleast .......use a new trashcan mix it up and set someplace some sun gets on and add a gallon of water once a week )

feed lines
as u are going soil most likey u want to pick a Organic ............2 reason if u sell it ...u can market it as organic and ask more from yuppies/hippisters..........the other importanf reason is they feed the fungi and micbros in the soil helping the plants roots get more food into them with the huge benift of keeping the soil PHed to 6.5 so u have alot less work .................look up GO box

i am trying LEDs now ..........i will say aviod using CFLs u will get a lower amount always i changed mine from cfls to outside i got anouther oz and half from same strain same feed same soil and when i was HID i was getting 4 oz of that strain the maximum the breeders posted for it

thanks for the advice!, was thinking of doing soil the frist time , as im still learning and it will eventually be out door. Id love to try hydro after

im pretty much looking for a tent and light to start a few mothers and put all out door.. the first grow i wanna do cheap if i can..

and i will be selling it, i live and work at a resort and chopping here, so easy people take whatever u have , since people are from all over the world that work here, they love weed from canada :) since i live in the mountains the seasons arnt as long so i need to start soon,

iv used a 200 watt cfl before and MH and they worked great.. now i dont have a lot of space thats why i was going for a smaller tent but if i have too can go for bigger one.. or even get 2 tents one for auto and one for mothers

im pretty much gunna use the tent to clone and get everything started for out door, and MAYBE keep a few autos indoor

now i was thinking of fox farm soil as it has good reviews and want to try something new,//..... iv tried pro mix and bio bizz my first grow with bio bizz nutrients and worked great and im also open to trying something else. I used maxi bloom last summer for my autos and worked great!

last year i put out clones and auto flowers, the auto flowers turned out nice the clones i got turned out okay ddint really finish in time

iv never used an led before but interest in trying just dont know much about them

if u wanted to grow a few mothers and auto flowers what would u do ??


thanks for the detailed reply.. appreciate it

if you were going to grow a few mothers and a couple autos what would u do ?


Well-Known Member
light ............grow LED for who that is a thing below

i would dwc..........due to the fact u can get a 36 site cloner that uses water too so the equipment and feed could carry over ........once they start rooting u can pick if u want to try hrydo or move them directly in dirt

then from the dirt u can put them outside ...............look up Super Soil this kind of op using that could be to your benfit

ok led the makers of LED it is a huge fight ........who is best who is crap here are some simple basics
1 if u see the lens is 120 to 60 angle or the leds are set with leds with own lens like that ..........that is very very good means the light is getting depth into the plant
2 in led terms cheap equals a quick death to the lights
3 Cree or Epistar are 2 good LEDs (the actually led)
4 it is all about the size of the heat sink and the fan they are running larger is better in this case

basically u want the light to be a grow 642nm and 672nm this is blue light and what they will use the most of now u want to adviod the redlight this will cuase flowering in photos if u want u can have some UVB and IR along with White (10000k/12000k) those would/will help for any plants going outside since they will get uva uvb uvc so less of a shock (they make them build more resins to protect the leaves....uvb does the other 2 harm plants /us).......adviod lights with 439nm and 469nm this is the red flowering waves it likes (little is ok but the blue lights should be atleast 5 to 1 ratio or 7 to 1)

for autos
LED ..........u want a mix spec 6 10 11 wavebands used in making it a multi specurm light this will do autos great
soil u want 3 gallons bags for the shorter ones but the larger ones (anything that makes over 104 grams ) u want it in a 5 gallon or 7 gallon bag

oh bags u should use soil bags fabric ones they are great for flushing the roots do not ball up and die...............they even have some camo soil bags (never used not sure what made of only seen pics)

np man ............helping ppl i learn faster .............when u got your shit down pass it on call it even ..........make the world a mellow place