Need some tips for next grow :)


Hello everyone! I'm about to start a grow with SS Chronic (A pretty good pheno as far as yield and quality goes) and I'm looking to pull at least 3 pounds. I was hoping some of you more experienced growers could give me some tips on how to do this. I have been using 5 gallon pots filled with 2/3 FFOF and 1/3 perlite but am starting to wonder if that is sufficient enough size wise, would switching to 7 gallons be a waste? I can veg no longer than 4.5 weeks and I am limited to 11 plants. In the past I have used Blue Mountain Organics and was VERY pleased with the quality but not the quantity. I had some very large nugs but they were fairly airy and not nearly as dense as I would have hoped. Would switching to the full line of Fox Farms nutrients result in a higher yield? I was planning on topping once, possibly twice. I also have NOT lollipopped in the past so maybe that would add to my yield? I am running 4x 600w lights in a vertical setup (bare bulb) and was curious on how to best position the light (how close and how high up in relation to the plants).

So basically, would upgrading to 7 gallon pots, lollipopping, and switching to Fox Farm nutrients with a 4.5 week veg give me a good shot at hitting 3 pounds? Any advice is very welcome, thank you :)
Below is a diagram of how my setup is.

O... O... O...O

X = 600w Light
O = Plant
. = nothing lol, I couldn't get the spaces to stick for some reason


Well-Known Member
i use the general rule of thumb that you want one gallon of soil for every foot of height you plan to grow but more soil for your roots is always better so it wouldnt be a waste. i would use 3/4 soil and 1/4 perlite as FFOF has perlite already but thats just me. i would use the full line of fox farm. i use grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, and bush docter using their feeding chart. if your going to top do it around the 3rd or 4th week of veg for best results i hear.

your light set up will work but i would try to even it out like this

....O O O O
....O O O O

edit: this is probably what you put but without the ..... it pulls the "O" to the left


I have it set up more like my diagram at the top. Each light has a plant on each side of it other than the two at the end, but those are almost directly up against walls. The plants are rather large so there is very little to no space between them even with that spacing. The lights are pretty much completely surrounded by plant matter. As far as height goes, the last time they only reached about 3 feet but that was after 2 toppings and only 3 weeks of veg. I think I will definitely be switching to non organic nutrients thought because not using a bud hardener really hurt my yield this last time I think. Thanks for the input so far!