Need Some Trip Tools for this Week


Well-Known Member
Packing my suitcase for a trip lol. Me, my love, and my best friend will be dosing high quality lsd, and entering our state park this week. It will be my 3rd experience, and there 1st. I am getting things ready and looking for ideas of things we may need, or appreciate through the day.

3 chairs, battery operated cd player, cd's, apples, oranges, bannanas, hacky sack, water, bug spray, cannabis, colored pencils with drawing paper. Camera to take some pics for the trip report.

btw life has me strapped for cash this week :wall: and I need things that arent going to be very expensive. (a couple bucks or less.)


I've always enjoyed crystals and kaleidoscopes, art books are great too. Since you'll be out in nature you might want binoculors as well. These things aren't a couple bucks, but you might be able to borrow them from a friend.


Well-Known Member
bring plenty of Bluetech. something to lay on in the woods. and having a couple extra hits just incase never hurt. haha have fun man


Well-Known Member
I've always enjoyed crystals and kaleidoscopes, art books are great too. Since you'll be out in nature you might want binoculors as well. These things aren't a couple bucks, but you might be able to borrow them from a friend.

wow binaculars nice one man thanks, I KNOW thats gonna be sweet, theres alot of open valleys, and gorges and binaculars will be awesome!


Well-Known Member
Well when me and my best friend go tripping, he always has his trip hat which is a knitted comfy winter hat, even though were in flordia. We call it the trip hat, i usually just bring some sunglasses, i like they way they feel on my face.


Well-Known Member
Packing my suitcase for a trip lol. Me, my love, and my best friend will be dosing high quality lsd, and entering our state park this week. It will be my 3rd experience, and there 1st. I am getting things ready and looking for ideas of things we may need, or appreciate through the day.

3 chairs, battery operated cd player, cd's, apples, oranges, bannanas, hacky sack, water, bug spray, cannabis, colored pencils with drawing paper. Camera to take some pics for the trip report.

btw life has me strapped for cash this week :wall: and I need things that arent going to be very expensive. (a couple bucks or less.)

That there's some hippy talk! lol sounds fun


Well-Known Member
not sure if my buddy Nick is down anymore. his g/f was weirded out by it so now hes sketchy about it. For some reason I always like to know what to expect with a trip comin up so I can prepare mentally, and its kinda gettin on my nerves. I told him if he feels sketchy about it maybe it isnt the right time. The only thing that bothers me is that his girl seems to be affecting what hes chooses to do.......he said this is how the conversation went.

Nick: Im doing acid with &%$#*$. (I told him to say lsd)

girlfriend: what? ill never talk to you again.

Nick: Huh?

girlfriend: I dont wanna see you go down that route

Man lsd is so confused its rediculous.


Well-Known Member
damn, shes hella dumb. I can't stand uninformed people, I cant even count how many potential pole holes I've lost because they went and started arguments about how "bad" weed is.


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm jealous in so many ways. I would kill to go out to a wilderness park and drop some Lucy, tis my dream! haha

not sure if my buddy Nick is down anymore. his g/f was weirded out by it so now hes sketchy about it. For some reason I always like to know what to expect with a trip comin up so I can prepare mentally, and its kinda gettin on my nerves. I told him if he feels sketchy about it maybe it isnt the right time. The only thing that bothers me is that his girl seems to be affecting what hes chooses to do.......he said this is how the conversation went.

Nick: Im doing acid with &%$#*$. (I told him to say lsd)

girlfriend: what? ill never talk to you again.

Nick: Huh?

girlfriend: I dont wanna see you go down that route

Man lsd is so confused its rediculous.
When people here "acid" they assume it's really bad, but the drug in general is misunderstood. I've heard people talk about "He got addicted to stuff like heroin and acid!" "Acid ruined his life, made him insane."
Ya, if opening up new doors to insight and acceptence is insane, then I NEVER want to be sane :eyesmoke: