Need some Visual Troubleshooting


Hi fellas it would be easier to me to post pictures for some problems i got with my two plants :confused:
grow info
--soil is 100% "bioterra plus", no perlite unfortunately
--nutes are bat guano grow and extract for now
--open bottle CO2 yeast trick (4days operating)
--temps 73 to 81, moisture from 50-70%
--age 33 days from seed for the right hand side and 30 days for the left one

5,5 & 7 lt pots on a full moon strain and a blackjack respectively-(pic 1a,b,c).

  • the blackjack shows some kind of deficiency (or nute burn?), I reckon its calcium from what ive seen on the book-(pic 2a,b)
  • i noticed mold on the soil today. is it because i watered with bat guano grow nute three days ago, or the yeast thing or is it me forgeting to turn the circulating fan on-(pic3a-c)?
  • i ve topped 4 days ago and tried to keep the tops in the same soil but they dont look good and upon inspection of the root i saw white moldy looking spots specially on the fullmoon top that is dying faster(pic 4a-d)
what can i do about the mold accumulating on where i watered ?
is the game lost for the clones?


Weed Modifier
Hi fellas it would be easier to me to post pictures for some problems i got with my two plants :confused:
grow info
--soil is 100% "bioterra plus", no perlite unfortunately
--nutes are bat guano grow and extract for now
--open bottle CO2 yeast trick (4days operating)
--temps 73 to 81, moisture from 50-70%
--age 33 days from seed for the right hand side and 30 days for the left one

5,5 & 7 lt pots on a full moon strain and a blackjack respectively-(pic 1a,b,c).
View attachment 1161844View attachment 1161855View attachment 1161842

  • the blackjack shows some kind of deficiency (or nute burn?), I reckon its calcium from what ive seen on the book-(pic 2a,b)

View attachment 1161853View attachment 1161848

  • i noticed mold on the soil today. is it because i watered with bat guano grow nute three days ago, or the yeast thing or is it me forgeting to turn the circulating fan on-(pic3a-c)?

View attachment 1161852View attachment 1161856View attachment 1161845

what can i do about the mold accumulating on where i watered ?
is the game lost for the clones?
Look good just saw salt residue in your pots...will cause a lockout of nutes...Did you flush soil recently? I would(ph adj) just water and then feed 1/2 strenght nutes.

NO not lost yet.


thanks for your fast reply. so its just salt huh?
no i never flushed, fed it with once from bottom up
i meant the game lost for the cloned tops - is there smthing i can do other than wait?


Weed Modifier
No really much you can do. Did you use a root hormone or gel on your cuttings.
looks like rot...I had this on one of mine pinched and died...
cutting do not needs nutes this can hinder root growth they need humidity 85% and higher for first couple days then gradually lower to 80%.


i gave them low strength nutes and some foliar. i guess they re doomed.
could that those brown stains on the blackjack be due to lockout? should i flush if it persists?


Weed Modifier
i gave them low strength nutes and some foliar. i guess they re doomed.
could that those brown stains on the blackjack be due to lockout? should i flush if it persists?
No not doomed...1st on looks bad but the other one is just droopy will perk up I'm sure.
I would cut off the lower set of leaves and leave the top set. Just cut the ones touching the soil on bottom.
Hopefully the first one can pull through...
Do they have a dome/ do you mist?
What is Temp/Humidity?
And no nutes! Just Ph adjusted water.


i think its cause i forgot the domes off for about a day.i use a seedling tray with domes i bought off a chainstore.
i used like 1/3 strength nute on the clones on the first day.
i have no idea about the humidity on the domes but its high since there are droplets everywhere around the leaves and the insides of the dome.
today i saw a white mucus-like thing on the bad clone's soil. fungus?


Weed Modifier
i think its cause i forgot the domes off for about a day.i use a seedling tray with domes i bought off a chainstore.
i used like 1/3 strength nute on the clones on the first day.
i have no idea about the humidity on the domes but its high since there are droplets everywhere around the leaves and the insides of the dome.
today i saw a white mucus-like thing on the bad clone's soil. fungus?

No nutes for cuttings.
Could be mold/fungus yes...


yeah mold what else..we ll see how it goes.. leaves on clones starting to yellow.
how long u reckon i should veg the topped plants judging from their looks? i m already at day 34 from seed.


problems grow along..
this is day 43 from seed.yellow is 'blackjack' and blue is 'full moon' both just under 6 inches. i really want to switch but they re really short.
IMG00058-20100929-1525 (Medium).jpg
FMoon showed these problems yesterday. Is it bugs, deficiency or burn?
FMoon:IMG00059-20100929-1525 (Medium).jpgIMG00060-20100929-1525 (Medium).jpg
Bjack:IMG00061-20100929-1526 (Medium).jpg


Well-Known Member
^Listen to lime73, he's steering you in the right direction. I'll also suggest cutting those leaves off that are touching the soil, because if you already have mild/fungus problems, they'll spread to the plant, eventually. If not, you're risking starting some new ones. The nutes gotta go, because they tend to make the cutting want to grow upwards, rather than downwards(take root). If you're already giving the cutting everything it needs, it has no reason to put effort into rooting. Agreed?

EDIT: I was about 10 days late, with that response, eh?lol


lol yes the clones died -forgot to mention.. its cause i nuted them lightly or mold on soil.
how about my today pics?


Well-Known Member
lol yes the clones died -forgot to mention.. its cause i nuted them lightly or mold on soil.
how about my today pics?

Sorry to hear that. :) You're new pics look pretty good. They are a little undersized, but look nice and healthy. That leaf damage isn't anything to worry about. It looks to be caused from them hitting the egdes of the pot, or something to that effect. It doesn't look like pest damage, or deficiencies. That leaf with the brown edges, could be a deficiency starting, I admit. But, being that the rest of the plant looks great, I'd just continue with a balanced feeding regimine, and keep an eye on them. All in all, they look pretty healthy. Good work. :cool:


thanks its my first grow and i m really eager to finally smoke some quality stuff. glad to know its not some leaf eating bug :)
i m only now worried about the larvae jumping around on soil when moist. maybe they eat my roots thus the small size..?

ps. they are like 6 inches high (but topped) should i wait a couple o weeks more or should i flip the cycle now?i m aiming for 3 ounches per plant


Well-Known Member
^Sounds like fungus gnats. Do you see little fruit fly looking bugs, flying around? They're pretty easy to take care of, actually. One way, is to cover the top of the soil with sand. That prevents the adults from laying any more eggs, and they'll die off in a week or two. I've used it, with great success. You'll have to cover the drainage holes too, if you go that route.

There's something called Gnatrol that's supposed to work really well. I've never tried it, myself. The sand worked great.


^Sounds like fungus gnats. Do you see little fruit fly looking bugs, flying around? They're pretty easy to take care of, actually. One way, is to cover the top of the soil with sand. That prevents the adults from laying any more eggs, and they'll die off in a week or two. I've used it, with great success. You'll have to cover the drainage holes too, if you go that route.

There's something called Gnatrol that's supposed to work really well. I've never tried it, myself. The sand worked great.
i followed ur advice yesterday :)20101003 (Medium).jpg:)
since then i ve killed like 6-7 of them. before that it was only 1-2/day.
they re probably looking for a spot to lay eggs and they keep flying pissed off!!


Well-Known Member
^Looks great, man. I can guarantee that you won't have a problem with gnats, anymore, after 2 weeks, or so. :grin: