need the weed docter


whats up people of I have been growing a plant outside in the arizona sun its about 100 degrees here in arizona :fire::leaf::fire: Im not quite sure how old my plant is because she was already 6inches when i got her. but now shes up to the base om my stomach and im 5"8 lol so shes like 3 feet. She seems to be growing good not sure how many hours of sun light a day shes getting but i know shes growing good since she has 11 bladed :leaf: leafs :-P the only question i have is "she" male or female im not sure she has this little tiny flowers growing all over her but theres no bud, no balls, and no hairs- only tiny little flowers, and since this is my first grow im not sure, you know? i know shes a really dank chronic hybrid and if you rub your finger on her main stema nd smell your fingers your like WHOAHHH :clap: so yeah any suggestions will help im posting a bunch of pictures to. sorry if bad quality it was super hot outside :weed::weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
Looks healthy Man, but can't see sign of sex from your photos.
You might try to get closer, and clearer pictures of where the branches come off the main stem


Well-Known Member
You might want to trim the bottom branches and fill that bucket up with dirt. good Luck dirrtyd


Hey bro I just found out if we put banana peals in the soul it will raise the Ph level and make it fruitier, so i'll collect some peels later on and you can go mix them in,.