Need Tips for growing under T5 lights


New Member
Hello Everyone,

We made it through our first grow without any catastrophes. We grew 3 White widows and 4 Wonder Woman in Coco using a SCROG in a 4'x4' tent under 2 T5 fixtures with 6 bulbs each (648w total).

The plants did great but the buds ended up rather small and airy.

We are now onto our second grow. This time with 5 white widow and 4 wonder woman using the same SCROG, tent and lights with heavy 16 nutes.

We would love any tips on how to get larger and more dense buds from this T5 grow.

I know many of you will say to switch to MH/HPS but unfortunately that is NOT an option.

Looking foreword to everyone’s input.


Well-Known Member
keep the canopy level and the bulbs 2" above the canopy at all times, lolpop all the lower growth in week 2 of flower and keep pulling the nodes/branches down till week 3 of flower
you want a full canopy but only 6" high (max above the screen) and full of buds, the canopy needs to be as full as it can, as t5 are great for light spread but don't have any light penetration so short thick buds will be the best way


Well-Known Member
Its too bad hps is not an option! What spectrum of bulbs r u using. I mix mine up using half and half 6500&2500. I was never real happy with density until switching to hps but heat is my issue.