Need To Know If This Is Weird!!!


New Member
Ok I have a small plant started it from bagseed and it has some 4 early preflowers there is two in front and two in the back but they are not grouped in one spot is this normal or weird or possibly indicative of a certain gender?


New Member
I know its not the best pic but there is the front ones and you can start to see the back ones i was gonna post the second pic of the back but it looks exactly like this one


Active Member
interesting they do look like pre flowers but they are so small
i'd give them a week or 2 and then you'll know
just keep an eye out for those tiny white hairs


New Member
im really hoping for white hairs and the thought of these possibly being nuts scare me because i had 7 plants and my dog got into my grow room and totally shredded all but this one


Well-Known Member
Those are definitely preflowers but still just calyxes, so it could still go either way. Keep an eye on them every day in case they're males and you need to pull them.

So how old is this plant? (From seed, from germination, from coming up?). What you have, is a plant that would've been kept in the autoflowering strain selection process. That's all auto flowers are, plants that finished way faster than their brethren and were kept to pass on their speedy genetics. After several generations they can get them pretty stable.


Well-Known Member
Just wait and watch those things with the dark spot swell, and you'll either get two white pistils or it'll be the male and produce its huevos.


New Member
the plant is only 22 days old from germination it is definitely the fastest growing plant i have ever come across but i have no clue what strain it is i just germinated seeds i had gotten in a bag a while back


Well-Known Member
Ehhh, after taking a second gander it does look like its possible that there is more than just one lump, so there definitely is a possibility that it might be a male. You'll know soon just check ten times a day, lol.

That's crazy, present flowers in 22 days from bag seed. Is that towards the top of the plant? Those side branches have barely started and there are flowers there.


Well-Known Member
Dude seems as youve gotten an auto flower. sadly that looks like a male to me...
took the words out of my mouth
fast veg
showing sex at 21 days or 5 nodes
only thing is males usually show sooner then 21 days
has it started zig zag branching ?


Well-Known Member
I still think female is a possibility, those just look like calyxes but time will tell. I'm no expert at sexing plants, I just like googling pics of their genitalia


New Member
They are at the 5th node at the top and that seed came out of the same bud as my other plants but none of them grew as fast as this one did and i ended up with 4 females and 2 males from the other ones