Need to pass a drug test


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have a drug test coming up probably in a few days, this will be administered through a clinic. I bet the detox cleanse kits work at your office drug test, but i'm going in for a piss test at a medical clinic. I'm not a heavy smoker, more like a smoke on the weekends kind of guy, if that. This past weekend I did smoke quite a bit, but that for me is like 2-3x's a day. I just need something that with out a doubt will work, because not only do i desperately need a job, but a friend who is a manager is getting me a job and i just don't want to burn that bridge or tarnish his resume. any help? what detox cleansing products have worked for you in that type of environment (going to a clinic)
I would suggest that you go to your local headshop and ask them what works best.
They will sell you the best one.
I have had drug tests in the past and the creatine detox drinks do work.
I have passed piss tests every time.
Hey guys, I have a drug test coming up probably in a few days, this will be administered through a clinic. I bet the detox cleanse kits work at your office drug test, but i'm going in for a piss test at a medical clinic. I'm not a heavy smoker, more like a smoke on the weekends kind of guy, if that. This past weekend I did smoke quite a bit, but that for me is like 2-3x's a day. I just need something that with out a doubt will work, because not only do i desperately need a job, but a friend who is a manager is getting me a job and i just don't want to burn that bridge or tarnish his resume. any help? what detox cleansing products have worked for you in that type of environment (going to a clinic)
Get a creatine drink or the cleansing pills they have at head shop or both and follow the instructions. Also, don't work out 2 days before the test, it releases thc from your fat cells into your blood stream. Give the sample "mid-stream", there is sediment that can be higher in thc... Good Luck Man!
if it's for a job they won't be in the room with you. wear sliding shorts like you would for football and place the bottle of synthetic inside with the heat wrap rubber banded around it. follow instructions on bottle squirt in cup you'll pass no problem.

good luck.
Yeah dude I went and bought Dr. Green's superhero synthetic urine. It comes with the heating pack and all