Need to STEALTH a window - Help a brother out

Big Nugz

Active Member
Old grower new space and need to make a third story window appear normal with a 6" exhaust and a 6" input. The window is about 60" x 30" regular slide up and down with the opening at the bottom although the top can come down if it was stealth enough which is preferred.

Was thinking of cutting some melamine to fit into the window and even spray painted some screen that would go over the in and out and placed it over a scrap piece of melamine but that stuck out quite a bit.

Any ideas? Thanks a ton!


Well-Known Member
Buy some cheap blinds. Put them up fully closed. Put a.piece of board behind them with your exhaust and intake. Open the window a few inches for the fresh air.


Well-Known Member
baffle will work. mount your exhaust onto a board that mounts in the window. then use spacer bolts to connect it to the melamine that faces outwards to the public. make the spacer bolts long enough to not restrict air flow. can also try using 2 screens making it very hard to see the exhaust port.


New Member
you could put a square pot outside your window with a bushy plant or something.To make it look more natural.That is for the intake.For exhaust an exterior window shutter like this one.As far as the light leeching trough the window I would recommend a thin black layer that is one way only...I have no idea what it is called.



On my window I got pink hard window insulation from home dopot and cut it exactly to fit the window, spray glued black fabric on it and stuck it up on the window with aluminum tape to assure it was air tight. Over the blinds of course so it looks normal and the black fabric blacks it out. Then nailed soft foam over the pink foam to absorb sound just because my inline fans were a bit loud. Works like a charm though!! Can't hear or see a thing from the outside


Then just cut a hole the exact size for the exhaust and aluminum tape that too the aluminum tape gets everything air tight
As far as the light goes I found some old landscaping felt or whatever u call it (like the stuff u put down before mulch to prevent weeds) I triple layered it on the front of some mini blinds and all light is gone if looking from outside.