Need wisdom on small sealed tent venting (150 watt HPS and a few CFL)


Active Member
Experienced grower, but... this 'sealed tent' is new to me.

It's a 2x2x5 tent with 4,6 and 8 inch vent possibilities..

150 watt hps and certainly I will toss a few cfl in there now and then in addition to the HPS.

Anyone done something similar and have any advice?

My inclination is to just get a big 8" duct fan and blow it out with passive intakes (flaps and holes).. Maybe this isn't
the best idea..

I would LOVE to hear from those who have vented smallish sealed areas (on the cheap would be even better) and anything I may just not be thinking about.. I want to make an order for some supplies today but right before I made an order I thought 'why don't I ask the people who know first so I am not trying to reinvent any wheels here.

Thanks in advance.. really.. I need some practical hands on advice.. or would at least appreciate some before I DIY myself into a face palm..



Well-Known Member
OK...."sealed" almost always means "no fresh air exchanges" and usually
includes the use of CO2.

I bet that a 4" fan would do for a 2X2 tent. I know that a 6" fan will do.