Need Yellowing and Spotted Leaf Help!

My plants are 18 days into flowering and some leaves are turning yellow, getting brownish spots on them, and are wilting and drying. Please see attached pics...first two are leaves that have fallen off plant and third one is a leaf still on the plant. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Please make sure you be as specific as possible with ALL aspects of your grow Soil, water, water schedule, nute, lighting, PH levels, humidity, temp, type of system, or any other info you consider useful. You need to upload NO HPS photos of the issue and take shots of the whole plant, so we can help you properly.


Active Member
which leaves totally normal for bottom leaves when the plant puts its energy into budding if you do it right the buds develop and the lower leaves die -- unless you totally crazy like me and start installing oh maybe 100W or 200W of CFLS all around in-between and on the bottom pointing up -- also you give no other information can one help?


Well-Known Member
It Cal/Mag Def...
Do u use any epsom salt or cal/mag plus >?
It's usually happened this prb in flowering and its by change your veg nuts to your flowering nut ....
Plants pray for MAG ...
WHats your ph ?> soil or hydro?
Thank you everyone for your the future, I will list as many details as possible. Just talked to the ol man and read your responses and as I first suspected, the plants are starving to nutrients! That's what he gets for going by someone elses calculations that's using a 10 gallon pot when we're using a 1 gallon pot! Duh! Again, thank you, and I'm sure I'll be back! :wall: