Need your expertise!!


New Member
-Indoor grow
-Ocean forest soil. Ph good.
-Water with RO
-Normal temps. Humidity little low. -Lowest ever got was 16%. Added a humidifier now. Now kinda more stable 40%.
- LED lights
Anything else you need to know please let me know and I'll add. Mostly thinking it's a cal-mag issue. Here when everything started out, thought it was because I put the humidifier to close. Plant got wet and light burnt them. Got little brown spots. So I didn't think anything was wrong and kept going. Was time for her flush. I use sledgehammer hammer every couple weeks with foxfarm soil. After this she got to where she is at in the pics. I need some help on what you think it is? I have added cal-mag to waterings now and switch too hps. Herd that plants need more calcium under LED