Need your help!!!

Chem Dawg

New Member
Long story short my clothes dryer wouldn't work. Without me knowing my father inlaw came by to fix it and shut the fucking power off for at least an hr and fucked my whole timer setup up. Just got home from wrk and lights are still on in which they should have been off over an hr ago, temps where up in the upper 90's because my heater turns on when lights go out. And some of my plants look droopy. He better have not fucked my shit up!!!!! I have a few different strains that are about 3-4 wks into flower and 1 that is about 7wks into flower.. Please tell me he didn't ruin my last few months of hard wrk????


Well-Known Member
Set it back up to normal...It should be fine, these plants are very resilient they will bounce back if conditions do ...assuming their not totally dead already....If their not dead their fine bongsmilie

Chem Dawg

New Member
Far from dead just a little droopy on the top. I'm still pissed! I hate when people touch my stuff when I'm not home. Shit like this always happens. I'm praying he didn't piss my ladies off and confuse them.. This is my first grow and I'm damn proud of it so far...


Well-Known Member
Some plants may be more genetically prone to hermy or reverting with sudden light changes .... but usually has to be a prolonged regime of light cycle switching to really do it ..lock up the house when ur not home :p


Well-Known Member
it never hurts to keep your eyes open for them going hermie, i inspect my plants really good a few times of the week. Not saying your plants will hermie b/c of this like we doscussed earlier, but their is always the possibility of all but the rarest of the rare xx true females, which cant go hermie, the way to make the most stable fem seeds is to get a bunch of gals and start running the lights 1 hour in the middle of 12/12, after 3-4 weeks of that it should become clear if any of them are true females. if they are u then use colodial silver to make it grow balls which you harvest and either pollinate itself or another true female with the pollen. kinda got off topic there a bit, lol