Well-Known Member
I used to believe that. I was like HOW THE FUCK YOU GONNA REMOVE A CARS GAS TANK AND EXPECT IT TO RUN. well I was wrong in a big way. The leafs and everything all the lower branches are fine outdoors where the light at the bottom is just as strong as the top. But indoors , then again a lot of this is personal preference. A big thing indoors is removing the bullshit too low to really help the plant. I found it hindering. Then again. You can use all those lower popcorns just to extract and again it’s all personal preference. I will say this. Remove fans too early and too many you WILL stunt the fuck out of your plants. But remove em in the right places at the right time and you’ll create less shade. Less spots for pm to settle in. And airflow will be much better. Indoors I know really the top canopy closest to the light is what you want to concentrate on. But sometimes you get plants that just break all the rules anyway bro finding your comfortable grow style is the best thing to do then dabble in pruning etc. most plants I’d say are held back more by shit water. Airflow. Soggy medium and lack of the proper nutes than anything else. Nothing is a definite when starting from seed because really you have no clue what you have til a genetics lab tests it and you work with it for a while . Best advice someone ever Gave me years and years ago was find a good mom and keep clones going. That way once you go through some runs and add something to the nute mix you can really tell what works.
One more thing bro. You wanna put buds into a sock and knock people out in a prison riot.
Add nectar for the gods bone meal. Legit golf ball hard buds. Lol. Best thing I ever did was add that stuff.
Silicium this is another added thing that massively added Weight to my end product. It builds up the cell walls makes em less appetizing to insects and they deal with drought and over watering much better. Happy gardening bud
I do have some Nectar of the Gods , and I give them Botanicare Silica , Hoping for the best !