Needing to build a dry compartmet in 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Hey rollers, so I was needing to come up with a place to hang my drying buds. I had thought a cardboard box and panda film would cut it but that would end up being trashy. I was thinking about installing a 6inch duct to a rubber maid ontop of my flower tent which would be getting sucked by the filter right by the top 6inch duct entry. Would a rubbermid be safe in terms of mold and moisture? also does anyone ahve any other diy ideas?


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with a carboard box, if your worried about humidity you could just put a layer of rice at the bottom. I wouldn't do plastic because it doesn't breath.

Personally I just hang mine on hangers in a closet with a small fan blowing indirectly on the ground to move air. 5-7 days and its ready to be jar'd.