needs advice!

this is my set up the pics are in random so sorry, the plants are about two weeks old and look pretty healthy except one. im using fox farm ocean forest. any advice would help. thanks:weed:


Well-Known Member
That'll be ok for vegging, but if you can use a metal halide light with 5500k would be the best way to go. Hps is more for the flowering stage
no not really, just anything that i can fix or maybe alter, this is my first grow so im still learning...but one of them is a really light green which i dont really like, see pics above, one of them also have leaves that look like they are begining to curl down, idk if thats normal or if there is something wrong...also how high above the plants should my light be? the hps bulb seems to get super hot and i have a small fan cooling it, nothing like i should have cooling it but im using what i have, i dont want to put them too close and cause some damage so im curious