Needs more light!


Well-Known Member
Great news everyone. We have another girl. Last night my white widow showed pistil pre-flowers. 2 down, 2 to go. I also need to correct an error I stated earlier. I am not in 12/12 yet. I am at 14/10. I miscounted. My other white widow should be showing sex any day now and my mystery should show next week, possibly sooner.


Well-Known Member
Also note that I changed 4 of the 26w 6500k bulbs to 26w 2700k. I will also be changing 2 more of the 26w 6500k bulbs for 2 26w, 10.0 UV-B CFL's when the trichomes start to form to test the theory that UV-B rays assist in the manufacturing of THC inside the resin heads.

Each bulb I will be using will be placed on each side of the grow box focusing mostly on the cola's when they start to form. Each bulb has a UV-B output of about 10% and an effective distance of 1 foot 8 inches. My box is 2 feet wide so I should get some overlap from each bulb.

If anyone see's any potential problem's with this idea/implementation please feel free to speak up. I am open for any and all criticism.

PS. I understand that this is not the most scientific approach to proving whether or not UV-B rays assist in THC production. Unfortunately, due to my limited space and financial situation, I cannot cut and clone a control group at this point in time. I hope you take this into consideration when judging my results a few months from now.


Well-Known Member
I like your style Snyd... Not afraid to go your own way. Some folks would rip you for your somewhat unorthodox light schedule. Most folks go Right to 12/12 from their preferred veg schedule of 18/6 or 24/0. But in nature its a gradual shortening of days anyway so I'm good with it. Keep on keepin on.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to simulate nature as closely as possible this time around. And I am aware that plants in nature are bombarded with UV-B right from the start. But I didn't know about UV-B up till a week or so ago and I havn't read anywhere that UV-B effects the leafs and such of our plant. Only the Trichomes are effected by UV-B radiation.


Well-Known Member
I must admit I am not pleased with the blueberry or mystery bush's. While I would not consider them stretched, they are not filling out like my white widows. I guess that is what you get with bag seed.

I suppose I should fill you all in as to how I came about acquiring the white widow seed's. Before I started this endeavor I used to buy my stuff from what I would call a "Marijuana aficionado". He has repeatedly been to Amsterdam and been an official judge at a few of the big festival's there. He also has numerous pieces in excess of several thousand dollars. Basically this person knows his stuff. Anyway the person he gets his stuff from is a white widow grower and only does white widow. To find a seed in this gentleman's goods is a rarity and a precious commodity. I have a total of 8 seeds and 2 have turned into the bush's you see before you. I have a huge feeling that these seeds are all feminized (I have no proof of this yet but so far it is holding true). I believe the striking difference between the 2 white widows and the other 2 plants is quite simply genetics. Pure and simple. I have given them all the same nutrients since the third week. They have all been subject to the same level of light, same growing condition's and same soil quality. I certainly hope the 2 unimpressive ones fill out or make up for lack of quantity with great quality. It is also that the 2 week long stress the blueberry endured has some part in its gangling but it has recovered quite nicely.

I do believe another flush is in order next watering for the blueberry. It appears as though its still suffering from a small N deficiency and an MG deficiency may be rearing its ugly head soon enough. Only time will tell.

I am also wondering if this journal has helped anyone out at all or if anyone is even interested in this thread. I know that vegging is a very boring part of growing because results are not truly seen until flowering but it is a necessary step in the process of growing. Perhaps the most important step.

Anyway enough of my ramblings. You guys and gals enjoy.



Well-Known Member
New photos for today. The other white widow is starting to show pre-flowers but they are incredibly tiny and determining sex is impossible. A few more days and we should know what it is. Mystery seed is, well, still a mystery.

Lights are now at 12/12. Let the fun begin!



Well-Known Member
I am pretty heavily intoxicated right now so please try to bare with me as I try to string my idea's together.

So here are the photos for today. As you guys/gals can see the blueberry is hitting the HPS ballast covering. I'm not sure if I should move the system up an inch or so or leave it as is. I need input on this ASAP please. Everything else is going great and all my other plants are all at the same height now. Only the Blueberry is slightly taller by about an inch or so. Temps are now staying around the 80.5 and under region. I am still waiting on the mystery plant and the white widow plant to show sex. I am having a difficult time focusing my eyes on the area around the pistuals to see if anything has developed as of yet on either one. I know that the white widow is a week ahead of the mystery in development. I will let you guys/gals know if I come across anything as soon as I come down. In the mean time enjoy the photos.



Well-Known Member
I am not sure yet but I believe my other white widow is male. Has any one seen extremely early pre-flowers look like male but turn out to be female? These things are incredibly small so I am not about to write it off as being a male as of yet. I would like to grow it out and preserve some of the pollen if it is male because the plant is absolutely gorgeous. Its so short and bushy that I cannot even see the stem anymore so identifying its sex is incredibly difficult. My mystery plant is starting to thicken out and my blueberry is showing a MG deficency for sure. Next watering will be with flowering nutrients. 15-30-15 at half strength.


Well-Known Member
Ok now I need input from you guys. 1 of my 2 white widows has gone male. It is a beautiful plant and I would love to pollinate my white widow and blueberry and get some seeds. At the same time I don't want to completely demolish the THC content of the buds. What do you guys think I should do?


Well-Known Member
I assume you have a separate place to put the male while its pollen matures? You can just pollinate one branch or even one bud right? Depends on how many seeds you want to get I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Regrettably I do not :(. However I am pleased to announce that 3 of the 4 plants are female! My mystery showed today. I am going to pollinate them all simply because the male looks so god damn good and I would love to have some Blueberry X White Widow and to make my White Widow even stronger. Both the white widow plants look fucking amazing. Short, bushy and the scent? Absolutely intoxicating! I really wish I could share it with you guys.

My blueberry is being a fucking retard lately :-?. Yellowing lower leaves and rust spots now. Nitrogen and MG. I flushed her with 6 gallons of water (This took almost an hour and a half.) And with the last gallon I added 1/2 strength 15-30-15 flowering nutrients. She is the only one giving me any problem's and I cannot figure out why. Hopefully the new nutrients will fix her up. I also measured the pH of the runoff after the 6th gallon and it read at about 5.5 pH. A little low I know but hey... What are you gonna do.

After today's feeding I am debating on whether or not to use the 15/30/15 on the other plants seeing as they are doing just fine one the 10/15/10. Some input on this debate would be greatly appreciated.

Lets see... anything else to add.... I think that's it for today... Here are some photos. Do enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Some better photos that hopefully do these ladies some justice. I am aware that they are droopy in the photos. They just got watered.

Photo 1 : White Widow Female
Photo 2 : White Widow Male
Photo 3 : Blueberry
Photo 4 : Mystery



Well-Known Member
5.5? Yikes! Thats the yellowing and the spots right there. What was the PH of the water going in? Your soil is only going to get MORE acidic over the rest of your grow. If its 5.5 now....and you've many weeks to go....I would try to get that Ph up some. Some lime maybe (slow acting) or some baking soda(fast acting)?
And are you really going to let the male pollinate your whole crop?


Well-Known Member
6.5 pH going in. I suppose could flush it again tonight.

I have no place to separate the male to. Nowhere. I wish I did. It would make things so much easier. I really could use some more seeds but at the same time I don't want the potency to be to heavily affected. God damn dilemmas.


Well-Known Member
Gee, you can put the male anywhere. If it is a male that has started to flower, it is going to make pollen no matter where you put it. you dont have to worry about the light it gets or anything else really. It is in survival mode now, its going to make pollen no matter where you put it. You dont have to "baby" it like the females. You just need it to stay alive for a couple a weeks untill the pollen matures. You could throw it in a box in the basement or closet or anywhere. I don't think you really want to pollinate your whole crop? And I dont see a need too.
Here's an idea for you.....Keep the male right where it is and prune that male back untill you have only a few sites for Staminate flowers. NOW you can keep an eye on just those few pollen sacks and harvest them before they open and pollinate your females. A few pollen sacks can pollinate a whole bunch of females, so you only need a few. When you think they're ready, pinch one off, take it outside and bust it open. If its dust inside its ready. Then just pluck another one and use it to pollinate JUST THE BUDS YOU WANT to make seeds. No need to pollinate them all. What do you think??


Well-Known Member
Anywhere you say? Even if it receives no to little light? I also like the idea of cutting off the balls. That seems like a more viable option to me.

Do you think I should flush it again tonight until I get runoff of 6.5?
how about leaving in the window while the sun is out. It works really good. nothing beats 2000 wt commin from the sun and its cheaper. i've done it and my leaves turn out much larger