Neem Oil and Sulphur Burn

Hey Guys,

I'm just wondering if someone can give some advice on my plants, I neem oiled then sprayed sulphur the next day unaware that you need to wait two weeks between these two sprays. The growth tips on my manifolded plants are dying off. I'm just wanting to know what I should do to salvage them if it is at all possible. Will new growth take off somewhere else on the plant? I've been removing the new growth below the tips/top node as I've been training so I don't know if there's any sites left where new growth will emerge. The shrivelled up growth is where the new tips would have formed, will they recover in time? Thanks in advance.
Yeah they recovered, new growth tips formed where the burnt tips were, it was like a chemical topping in that the old tips died and gave way to new tips. It took about two weeks for the tips to reform and then they just went on as normal. They're flowering now with about three weeks left till harvest.