NEEM OIL for Life! (pest control)


Active Member
I just need to say that Neem Oil is by far the best method of pest control I have found. I know that pests (or even the thought of) will make any-level grower lose sleep at night. But I hope this thread will enlighten individuals on how easy it is to SAFELY take full control of your plants in literally 20 minutes.

-Neem Oil-
Extracted from the Neem Tree, grown in India, it can be used as a safe and effective pesticide. Many manufactured pesticides are filled with inorganic substances to drive away/kill the insects. Spraying these substances on a plant that will eventually be consumed can be harmful (especially when applied during the flowering stage). But Neem Oil has its own (Safe) ways of driving-off those little pests. 1) Being an oil, and therefore hydrophobic, Neem Oil creates a slippery surface on the outside of the leaves. Crawling pests, like spider mites, literally cannot hold-on to the plant. The young larvae they lay will also fall-off/die.
2) The distinctive aroma (often described as a combination of peanuts and garlic) smells unique to us, but causes the insects to run for their lives. Being from India, this substance is completely foreign to the insects found in the States. You don't have to worry about some stupid species being immune to it, because it grew-up on your local Neem Tree.
3) I cannot express enough how well cannabis responds to it. Both times I've used it, the growth-rate went immediately through the roof, easily noticeable after only 12 hours. And this is because those little b*stards were sucking the blood (chlorophyll) out of the plants, and now they are ALL gone after only one foil-feed session. **It seems the smell of garlic drives away blood-suckers of all kinds :mrgreen:

-Tried and Tested-
The first time I tried-out the Neem Oil (last summer) was on a plant that was already half-way through flowering. I was a little scared of trying it out because I had never used it before, and I was nearing the end of the growth-cycle. But there was no time to waste, after moving my girls inside for flowering, the insects were trying to have a field-day. I bit my lip and coated my plants/beautiful buds with this substance that was completely new to me. I started laughing as anything that had wings, took-off IMMEDIATELY after I started spraying. Since you want to apply at the end of the light schedule, I applied it at night, crossed my fingers and went to bed. Woke-up to greener plants which stood stronger, and zero pests. There was zero effect on the harvest. In fact I had a lot of veterans tell me it was some of the best bud they have ever smoked. (It was a personal strain I created from a Maui Wowie mother and a White Rhino father. We created many names for it, but in the end it was called both Wowie White and White Wowie...and sometimes Surfin' Rhino hahaha)

My second time using the oil was last night. I have four mothers (1.5 months old - two are Master Kush, two are PPP) that I move outside on nice days, and bring-in under flouro's at night/when it's raining. A few days ago, one or two of em were showing signs of being lunched-on. I located the snackers to be spider mites (aaaagain). So I went and grabbed my Neem Oil from last year. Made the dilution, and sprayed-down all four just to be on the safe side. You wanna spray when the plants are not in direct sunlight, and the temperature is below 85. So I applied the oil around 8-8:30 last night. I was so surprised by how well it worked (again) that I'm sitting here writing this thread haha. It might be because it was the first time I used it during the veg-stage, but the plants grew A LOT over the last day and have such a rich, deep, green color.

-Why I Love It!-
-You can find it at your local plant-supply store. I paid $16.98 (for 'Bon-Neem')
-Since you make a dilution with 99.5% water and 0.5% Neem Oil, your bottle will last a very long time.
-Application is as simple as foil-feeding your plants. Just be sure to spray on both surfaces of the leaves (especially the fans) until it is well-saturated and dripping.
-There isn't an insect I have found that does not like this stuff.
-It is completely organic and does not harm the plant one bit.
-The smell does not mess-up the fragrance of the plants, even when applied during flowering.
-Literally within 24 hours of application, you will not be able to notice that you even sprayed anything. Except for the fact that the pests are all gone and your plants look healthier than ever!
-Being a hydrophobic oil, it doesn't really absorb into the leaves like manufactured pesticides do.
-Great for use on both indoor and outdoor plants/pests.
-It is SO EASY to do and SO SAFE.

I hope this helps a lot of people take full control of their plants and sleep better at night. **I will also post this thread in the Marijuana Plant Problems ---> Bugs forum.


Active Member
is it good for the dreaded budworms? Last year i used spinosad
I can't confirm that from experience, but it literally can't hurt to try. I would post the list of pests that it 'controls' but it's just waaaay too long haha. I can confirm that I sprayed it on plants that were only 3 weeks away from harvest, and it decimated everything while not changing the buds one bit. And of course the buds get sprayed during the application too, so I couldn't see anything staying on/in them after spraying.