Neem Oil - to rinse or not to rinse?


Well-Known Member
So, I have seen two schools of thought when using neem oil. One says to spray and leave, while the other says to spray then rinse. Which is right? Anybody that actually uses neem oil that has had success either way?

cancer survivor

Active Member
spray it and leave its how i do it, i dont put any on after last week september, 5 weeks till harvest date (end october). you no its a naturel made from the NEEM plant!


Well-Known Member
Just sprayed my plants today, I do it about every 2 weeks. I spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves and lightly spray the soil under the plant. Knock on wood, never had any infestations or insect problems. It doesn't do shit for slugs though...I had to use organic iron phosphate pellets to kill them sons a bitches, that shit works.