Neem Oil


Well-Known Member
I want to use neem oil as a pest preventive and looking for advise on strength,when to apply during light cycle,how often and can it be used all the way through flower?
I had a credit at a online site from a shipping mix up so I got a 8 oz bottle 100% neem oil for free.
Read a great article on it a while back but forgot to save it and now I can't find it again.
I'm growing scrog in a 31"x54"x78" sealed cabinet under T5 lamps with a carbon filter mounted in the top and I'm near the end of veg.


Active Member
Dont use in flower, unless you want your buds to taste like the worst buds you have ever smoked. Only use during veg(IMO) For strength... my Neem Oil bottle says to put in 5-10ml per L of water.


make sure its mixed really well.. i used warm water the oil and water seperate badly.... any tips for that?? i've had burns before too ?? overdosing??


Well-Known Member
add a 1/4 tsp Dawn soap per gallon. Makes buds taste nasty if used on em I gather.