Negative effects of Air Purifiers?


Well-Known Member
Growing marijuana is a very daunting task... anyone who said it was easy should be kicked in the balls....

Im growing in my closet in my room, i stay with my moms (dont get ya panties in a twist, if she finds it, the world wont end) and i am about 6 weeks into flowering....

First i had light problems... solved it...

Then i had Space problems... solved it...

Now i have smell problems....

First i got one of those frebreeze air sprayers that hang on the wall... and i didnt do anything but mask the sweet aroma...

So i got an air purifier... and by golly that shyt works like a charm... almost TOO GOOD... for the first time ever, my room smells like im standing near a river or some shyt.. lol

anyway, call me silly, but do airpurifiers take things out the air that my plants need? CO2 for example?

Also, my room temps never drop below 78 in the day, and get as high as 85 at night... One of the main reasons i got the air purifier was to clean the room of the "stale" smell... I have NO ventilation, i leave the door wide open during the day, and have 4 fans and my AC blowing the house, so that cools the room down and replaces the air

Does anybody no how to cool down a room at night, with the door closed? My plants have stopped budding and its really really pissing me off... the humidity where i live is the highest in the country right now.. it sucks...

any advice would be helpful