neighbor has a mental disorder

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
and it causes them to yell and cuss. has anyone herd of this because i think its some bullshit thing they or the apt management is making up. i know it is not turrets. they just yell about stuff outside and its so loud i can hear it with every window closed and im on the third floor.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what medical background do you have which causes you to beleive it's just some bullshit they are making up? On from that what medical background or knowledge do you have to know it is not a form of tourettes?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i guess i dont have any real medical knowledge and sorry i spelt it wrong but it is not involuntary or unwanted. they just talk really loud like yelling. after have some knowledge about it i felt as if i could make a educated guess that it was not that.


Well-Known Member
they may not like to do it and even regret it later. Some people have personality disorders that allow them
to act in a manner most wouldnt. Maybe they were raised that way. Who knows. Try yelling. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
I would have no choice, it would eventually just come out and I would feel dumb later and still possibly do it again.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do dont make it worse. Bearing in mind that lots of people in society suffer from mental illness in one form or another its best to try to get away from it if it becomes that much of a problem. It could be worse right he could be a firearm fanatic looking to spray a corner outa hate!


Well-Known Member
In some cases yes. I however HAVE to take antidepressants in order to allow me to have a fuse.
It is an uncontrollable rage, you do not get the option to count to 10. Something happens and it is like a trigger.
The good news is is unless he is just a prick there may be help and I hold him responsible too seek that out rather than abuse the people around him.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Some people are angry people, some people are loud people, some people are angry and loud. I just like to really understand what is going on before labeling someone as having a mental disorder. Hell, he could simply be an alcoholic or sorts.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor has what appears to be an eating disorder, man is she fat!
lmao, yeah tip top you just brought up a good point i grew up with an alcoholic who thought yelling and fist fights were religous pratices!Good point about labeling mental illness where it may not lie. Someone yelling that loud that you can hear them that clearly with windows shut would require maybe you making them aware that its bothering you this much. I have been diagnosed with a rage disorder and they tried giving me anti-psychotics not anti-depressants lol, god damn government wants us all drooling!


Well-Known Member
Maybe he just has a hearing impediment, and speaks loud believing others cannot hear him as he cannot hear himself, then gets pissed because everybody is tired of hearing him yell and they don't listen anymore.
Then on the other hand, maybe he's just an asshole.