Neighbors house?


Active Member
My state(usa) has been busting morgatage scammers lately and 3 houses on my street are part of it. the people who lived there packed up and left 3 days ago.
Im thinking about ordering seeds there but then I found their garage was unlocked..

the question is, should I order seeds there? and would it be wise to grow in their house?


Well-Known Member
My state(usa) has been busting morgatage scammers lately and 3 houses on my street are part of it. the people who lived there packed up and left 3 days ago.
Im thinking about ordering seeds there but then I found their garage was unlocked..

the question is, should I order seeds there? and would it be wise to grow in their house?
NO and NO.


Well-Known Member
Not smart at all, people may be moving in at a random time, and anyone that may go by there to look inside (be it people looking at the house, or even a homeless person looking for aplace to stay)

Use that grey mushy stuff up top to think about something like that before you consider it, weight out the risk.....too many things to go wrong.

Just your better judgement.
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Well-Known Member
ha ha wow. maybe order the seeds there...but....DO NOT GROW THERE! absolutely a horribly stupid thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Sounds super to me. Doing something like that can git you free room and Bord, got to love the prison food!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that the former occupants would have left a forwarding adress. So, they would be recieving an unexpected package that you paid for.


New Member
yeah I might do seeds there, I was really blazed yesterday so that Idea looked sooo good
see these are the kind of people who give marijuana a bad name, the ones who say i was so blazed or high so i thats y i did it. now i dunno but i have been smoking for 9 yrs (since i was 11) and never have i blammed pot or me being high for something idiotic i did. this is way ppl despise marijuana becuse jerkoffs like you cant control urself and get all stupid on weed. im not talkin shit just using u as an example becuase there are probly many ppl that do this (its not my fault its the weeds fault i was too high and couldnt think) just my thought.


Well-Known Member
see these are the kind of people who give marijuana a bad name, the ones who say i was so blazed or high so i thats y i did it. now i dunno but i have been smoking for 9 yrs (since i was 11) and never have i blammed pot or me being high for something idiotic i did. this is way ppl despise marijuana becuse jerkoffs like you cant control urself and get all stupid on weed. im not talkin shit just using u as an example becuase there are probly many ppl that do this (its not my fault its the weeds fault i was too high and couldnt think) just my thought.
I 100 percent agree. I hate people who blame their own problems on other people and things in there life. tis the sign of a childish mind :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I completely agree, gives the intelligent Smokers a bad rap, because somoene gets high, then does idiotic stuff, without thinging.

I had a friend that had to bring 2 seedlings abuot a week old to my apt for me to keep them a week.....why because he was idiotic enough to sit them outside at an apt complex, and actually thought people would mistake them for tomato leaves.. 2 things wrong is see there, 1 not giving benefit of the doubt to other intelligence (people are not as stupid as you may think), and 2, why even give yourself the oppourtunity to ahve anyone even look at them other than yourself......unneeded attention, and a stupid situation to put yourself into when theres no need.

Gotta use that mush, even if your trashed....its why people do stupid shit when there drunk too, its an immature way to allow thigns to happen in your life, without repercussions.


Well-Known Member
oh man im so blazed where am I? the internet! wow!! how did I get here?....Im so high.. Kids were gonna tell your parents that you are on here...put down the pipe..go play outside..


Active Member
foreclosed and abandoned houses are hotbeds for illegal activity . . . sorry everyone's hating on you right now. i did something stupid yesterday i lost a $2000 piece of equipment and told my boss just to get it out of the way and then an hour later i found it in my bag. i was sober too.


Well-Known Member
no ,no ,no , the postie usually know who lives where ,and you can bet your arse the house wont be unoccupied for long ,or who will be going round to check on it.


Well-Known Member
"lmfao yes man, set up a 12k watt operation in their garage" HAHAHAHAHA that cracked me up.

Some of the questions asked totally defy the only dumb question is the one you dont ask belief.LOL, that being said if you don't own your home or atleast have an apartment in your name then it would never be a wise idea to grow in somebody elses house. that house being taken back by the bank doesnt mean its gonna sit there abandoned. it will most likely be auctioned or quick claimed. either way you will get busted or def loose your equiptment/grow if you grow there.


Well-Known Member
"lmfao yes man, set up a 12k watt operation in their garage" HAHAHAHAHA that cracked me up.

Some of the questions asked totally defy the only dumb question is the one you dont ask belief.LOL, that being said if you don't own your home or atleast have an apartment in your name then it would never be a wise idea to grow in somebody elses house. that house being taken back by the bank doesnt mean its gonna sit there abandoned. it will most likely be auctioned or quick claimed. either way you will get busted or def loose your equiptment/grow if you grow there.
dont forget losing your freedom and possibly anal virginity