NeL's 5 strain 1200 watt Grow


Well-Known Member
"First ting him waan to know is where dat smell is comin from,
Are you smokin marijuana and I said yes I am" :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

haha I was having such a time trying to figure out how to post youtube vid's on here too till TLD came along haha! good first youtube post bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Plenty of light in there! I dig how you did your room, man. I'm thinking about using a 430 Son Agro HPS, and a 600HPS on my next indoor room. Awesome thread! Glad I caught it early!

Cant wait to see what that Mendocino Madness does. Im thinkin' about making some seed of that one, for some outdoor grows. Love those fast-flowering hi-brids... AND you got a frickin' Mortal Combat game in your kitchen! Your thread is too perfect!

I'm gonna' learn alot from you, brah!


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
So I've been making some bubble hash the past 2 days, probably have made about 3 ounces total and one of the bags had a hash heart. Thought it was worthy of a picture.

I have already made a little over 4 ounces at harvest time, plus about 3 from the past 2 days and I think I have enough trim to make another 2, maybe 3.:hump:

Can't wait till the end of the 2010 season, should end up with a lb of hash.:eyesmoke:


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Figured I post a couple pics of the door on my grow tent, I went to home depot and got tarp zippers for 10 dollars each. instant door. I also installed a passive intake as of today.

So as my friend and I were cleaning up after washing trim today he decided it would be a good idea to close my grow tent. Mind you it is air tight and didn't have and intake yet, all the while pulling 435 cfm. This being the reason I don't close the door all the way. So when the door was shut the tent imploded causing the walls to suck in and the floor to rise about 3 ft knocking over all my seedlings, my bong etc. All in all I only lost a couple purple power seedlings, the rest escaped injury.


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
So I've been thinking for some time to try hydro and today I finally took the first step. I built this 10 site Aero/NFT setup from StinkBuds model. As soon as I get some clones they are going in there. I wouldn't mind giving up soil inside. I'm just sick of watering a shitload of plants by hand. We'll see how this plays out later on.

I'm undecided on the nutes I'm going to use. For Hydro I don't think I'll be going with FF.


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
So they are officially one week old today. Not much to look at but here's a couple of quick pics from tonight. There is one mutant amongst the bunch.

So out of the 55 started there are now 39 seedlings. 7 of the Mendocino Madness didn't pop:-(.

I called the seed company and they sent another 10 seeds on the house due to the poor germ rates. I almost always get 90-100% germination from them. This is the second time in the last few years that I didn't. But they are great when it comes to replacing the seeds just as long as you follow their germination methods they will replace them.



Well-Known Member
plenty to look at for me

Phenos instantly start to reveal themselves....

Looks like some nice beginnings......

stick with the mutant will you? for me?


Well-Known Member
Good beginnings. Those look like they started well!

Look good, man!

*PM sent, regarding a question about your seedbank, as I dont want to turn your thread into a seedbank thread*


Well-Known Member
I've had those triploid seedlings before too (or that's what I always called them). They usually clean up after a few nodes of growth but I had one that grew two tops like it had been topped when it hadn't. It'll be interesting to see how yours turns out.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I've had those triploid seedlings before too (or that's what I always called them). They usually clean up after a few nodes of growth but I had one that grew two tops like it had been topped when it hadn't. It'll be interesting to see how yours turns out.

Yeah I've seen it before, they usually do grow out of it, to bad. I'd rather 3 nodes a set.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Yesterday they all got transplanted into 1 gallon grow bags with my usual Pro-Mix BX.

I wired in a fan dimmer switch and put in a small humidifier because my RH was in the teens. Moving less air doesn't seem to affect the temp hardly and I got my RH up in the 40s during lights on.

The new beans are going into soil tonight:-P

So the total so far is

9 Crooked Prairie
8 AK-47
3 Mendocino Madness
4 Purple Power ( some died in the incident )
14 Grapefruit X NYCD


+ 10 more MM going into soil tonight.

