NeL's guerilla grow 2010


Well-Known Member
:lol:Can I be your new partner? I promise I won't bail on you!:lol:

Nice work, Man. Looking forward to watching the rest of this one unfold.


Well-Known Member
thats epic man really nice work would love to grow with you your spot are excelent what kind of yield are you going to try and achieve?
ya i found a spot but im kinda iffy about it. I always think i found the perfect spot, only to find out that theres a trail I couldn't see real close. I think Im gonna start taking a compass with me and walking 500 feet in every direction to make sure theres nothing Im missing lol

Awesome looking grow u have going. I was wondering if you could help me with a question? I have a grow going and half are from seeds and the other are clones. All my clones have started to flower. They came from 24 hr veg and I hardend them off for a week or so. I live in the Southeast. My question is do I just let them flower, and will they start to reveg in a couple weeks. I have never had this problem from seeds. I appreciate your time.