NeL's guerilla grow 2010

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member

Awesome looking grow u have going. I was wondering if you could help me with a question? I have a grow going and half are from seeds and the other are clones. All my clones have started to flower. They came from 24 hr veg and I hardend them off for a week or so. I live in the Southeast. My question is do I just let them flower, and will they start to reveg in a couple weeks. I have never had this problem from seeds. I appreciate your time.

That's your problem right there, you went from 24 to outside. I don't harden off ever but I do like to drop my light cycle to 16/8 to help with the transition. The most light at the peak of the season is 14 something, so going from 24 to 14 is not reccomended. Ususally I just go from 18/6 to outside but after last season I cut mine back to 16 as an added precaution.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
:lol:Can I be your new partner? I promise I won't bail on you!:lol:

Nice work, Man. Looking forward to watching the rest of this one unfold.
Always looking for trimmers in the fall, lol.

thats epic man really nice work would love to grow with you your spot are excelent what kind of yield are you going to try and achieve?

As much as possable, but 10 lbs would be my minimum. I'm shooting for 20 this season.


looking good man will be watching this space as you say its only getting better but awsomely better good luck


Well-Known Member
he does it onsite, cuz makes lot les to cary out this year he hopes to drag a table out there lol i got ur back NeL gotta get old getting asked the same questions over and over

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Preferably onsite, we'll see what this season brings. I got laid off last year in July so I had as much time as I needed to trim out on the patch. I might be hauling it all out and paying some friends to trim. I work 50-60 hrs mon-fri so It doesn't leave me a ton of time you know. Worst case scenerio I trim off fan leaves at the patch, dry and trim after, which SUCKS but we'll see what this season brings.

D83 you got a good memory, If I have the time to trim on the patch I will definatley be bringing out a folding table.


Well-Known Member
lol wtf EVERYONE now has an avatar of a dog shitting now where this come from
There is an explanation from the instigator of this mayhem in the thread linked in my signature. Its just a strange way of celebrating the Month of may. It seems like the shit is spreading though.


Well-Known Member
Sup Mr Nell,
I got a quick question for you.
How to do you deter the rodents?

Ive lost about 10 transplantans as soon as i put em out an am getting discouraged. Ive used cages made of chicken wrire above an below ground, soap, mothballs, rat poison, fox urine, putrid egg deer/ rabit dererent spray,piss , shit, cat shit an litter,dog shit nothing worked....

Any help or advice a ninja like you could give would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Sup Mr Nell,
I got a quick question for you.
How to do you deter the rodents?

Ive lost about 10 transplantans as soon as i put em out an am getting discouraged. Ive used cages made of chicken wrire above an below ground, soap, mothballs, rat poison, fox urine, putrid egg deer/ rabit dererent spray,piss , shit, cat shit an litter,dog shit nothing worked....

Any help or advice a ninja like you could give would be appreciated.

Damn, it sounds like you have covered the whole spectrum. What happened with the chicken wire? It sounds like you have some mutant critters. Do you live near a nuclear power plant? lol jk


Well-Known Member
Damn, it sounds like you have covered the whole spectrum. What happened with the chicken wire? It sounds like you have some mutant critters. Do you live near a nuclear power plant? lol jk
No I'm having the same issue, I buried cages with barbs on them and still they burrowed into my soil right into my rootball. I going to buy some rat traps and bait them with peanut butter mixed with antifreeze.


Well-Known Member
No I'm having the same issue, I buried cages with barbs on them and still they burrowed into my soil right into my rootball. I going to buy some rat traps and bait them with peanut butter mixed with antifreeze.
That sounds like a good idea. What about regular rat poison like decon?

Ol' Scrumpy

Last I checked all antifreeze is now made with "bitterguard" or some shit so that animals won't eat it. Boric acid works though, and it's cheap as hell.