Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

The connection between California's pistachio industry and War against Iran. Seriously...
I guess it doesn't matter how poor a piece of journalism is if it says what you want it to, right?

I expected more. I didn't get it.

Seriously, the author had every chance in the world to make some cohesive argument but just didn't.

Sad. It is an interesting topic but all this article did was make some unsubstantiated claim about "late stage capitalism".
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The connection between California's pistachio industry and War against Iran. Seriously...

I read it. It was pretty thin but at least it was facts-based. Yes, farmers supported Republicans and their war on Iran. Some think war is a great way to make money.

Obama was working to loosen sanctions while reducing Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities. Another example of intelligent actions by a capable leader.

If you want the policies you support to ever see the light of day, vote Democrat.
I read it. It was pretty thin but at least it was facts-based. Yes, farmers supported Republicans and their war on Iran. Some think war is a great way to make money.

Obama was working to loosen sanctions while reducing Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities. Another example of intelligent actions by a capable leader.

If you want the policies you support to ever see the light of day, vote Democrat.
Its very fucking thin. The pistachio market is really interesting. The Resnicks are also interesting. The topic even has a film being made about it which, I hope, is more interesting than the article.

It doesn't really say anything other than they give a lot of money away to politicians from both sides. How is that different from early and mid-stage capitalism? How does it "represent the failures of Late-Stage capitalism" as the title suggests? Wealthy people have donated money to politicians to represent their interests since the inception of time. I'm not saying that that is good, just that this short puff-piece fails to deliver in just about every way unless the point is getting a bunch of ideological dullards to foam at the mouth about the headline.

The writing is shit. But I guess that is worth a link to people who start with a conclusion and accept anything that panders to it.

Here's a better article about pistachios with more information but fewer polemics for those of us that don't need thought guides.

Here is a better article about the Resnicks and their water use. These fuckers make more annually selling the water they buy at a discount back to California at inflated rates than all of us will make over our entire lifetime.

It is fucking sad that Progressives can only accept the most facile explanation for everything.
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I like Iranian pistachios better. It used to be that they would let them fall from the tree and dry on the ground - the traditional method. This caused some staining to the shell. That's why they used to paint them red.
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Just on a hunch, I googled Stewart Resnick's political contributions.

Please peruse if you like...

About 80% of Resnick's contributions are to Democrats, maybe more. But he gave a few thousand to Nunes. Pretty sure he gave a lot more to Kamala Harris and Obama.

But so many neoliberals... I didn't see one contribution to any firebombing campaigns.


I like Iranian pistachios better. It used to be that they would let them fall from the tree and dry on the ground - the traditional method. This caused some staining to the shell. That's why they used to paint them red.
I liked them too but was spooked by the red dye.
Its very fucking thin. The pistachio market is really interesting. The Resnicks are also interesting. The topic even has a film being made about it which, I hope, is more interesting than the article.

It doesn't really say anything other than they give a lot of money away to politicians from both sides. How is that different from early and mid-stage capitalism? How does it "represent the failures of Late-Stage capitalism" as the title suggests? Wealthy people have donated money to politicians to represent their interests since the inception of time. I'm not saying that that is good, just that this short puff-piece fails to deliver in just about every way unless the point is getting a bunch of ideological dullards to foam at the mouth about the headline.

The writing is shit. But I guess that is worth a link to people who start with a conclusion and accept anything that panders to it.

Here's a better article about pistachios with more information but fewer polemics for those of us that don't need thought guides.

Here is a better article about the Resnicks and their water use. These fuckers make more annually selling the water they buy at a discount back to California at inflated rates than all of us will make over our entire lifetime.

It is fucking sad that Progressives can only accept the most facile explanation for everything.

I poked around the website because tty has given good reasons for being suspicious of his links.

The whole thing was thin in content as if written for kids. The politics page was biased towards Sanders and his ilk. Nothing wrong with that so long as the real funding comes from legitimate sources but the funding model was not at all clear. Could also be another Putin propaganda site disguised as a wannabe HuffPo for kids. To me, they are still on my suspicious list.
I liked them too but was spooked by the red dye.

I poked around the website because tty has given good reasons for being suspicious of his links.

The whole thing was thin in content as if written for kids. The politics page was biased towards Sanders and his ilk. Nothing wrong with that so long as the real funding comes from legitimate sources but the funding model was not at all clear. Could also be another Putin propaganda site disguised as a wannabe HuffPo for kids. To me, they are still on my suspicious list.
It's pretty bad. Oh well, everybody has a niche nowdays. It is pretty clearly a vehicle for advertising. Impure.

But feeling so excited about it too post a link?

Nothing says 'reputable news source' like an alleged non-profit that pays to hide it's registration information.
It's an opinion piece. Big deal, nobody but Tty thinks it is news.

It isn't a bad site and isn't a bad opinion piece, but it makes me wonder why Tty considers it worthwhile.

I guess it is because it wallows in his favorite word, neoliberal, and makes him feel smart.

I wonder what the author thinks of people who force others to do hazardous and unpleasant work and then takes most of their money.

Maybe I will email him and ask.
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It's an opinion piece. Big deal, nobody but Tty thinks it is news.

It isn't a bad site and isn't a bad opinion piece, but it makes me wonder why Tty considers it worthwhile.

I guess it is because it wallows in his favorite word, neoliberal, and makes him feel smart.

I wonder what the author thinks of people who force others to do hazardous and unpleasant work and then takes most of their money.

Maybe I will email him and ask.
The word neoliberal has lost its meaning when so-called Progressive left use the term. Pelosi and Biden for example are not neoliberal but so-called Progressive Left continue to push the term on on them. So, yes, the article in and of itself is OK but coming from tty in context of how he uses the term it is fake news.
The word neoliberal has lost its meaning when so-called Progressive left use the term. Pelosi and Biden for example are not neoliberal but so-called Progressive Left continue to push the term on on them. So, yes, the article in and of itself is OK but coming from tty in context of how he uses the term it is fake news.

You think Biden isn't a neoliberal.

So much for any opinion you ever have about politics again.


You think Biden isn't a neoliberal.

So much for any opinion you ever have about politics again.


Trump is 150 x worse than any Democrat and 15 x than any other Republican.

Who the flying fuck cares about labels?

Trump calls Bernie a communist, Warren Pocahontis, Rep. Waters a low IQ individual.

I don't believe those labels either.

Why don't so called progressives like progress? Nobody gets everything.

Ever spend any time in a red state?

What label would they put on you?