Netherlands are No Longer going to Sell to Tourists. Go to Prague!

Why do you say it's not happening? The news is a buzz with it and it makes sense. I read your argument about the mafia, but the Netherlands isn't the only place to have your distribution hub. As I said, Prague is growing in the weed trade. Here, it's legal to grow up to 5 mature plants per person and they have a look the other way policy on selling. I've walked behind police officers here puffing a J on the street in broad day light.

The problem is, if only 1 city legalizes weed like Amsterdam does now, then that 1 city is going to have zombie stoner tourists wandering about. What Europe and even the States need is multiple cities --fuck every city-- to legalize and then there wont be such a problem.


New Member
Fanciful notions on every city legalizing, and one can hope. I'm with the naysayers, though. I don't see that law standing for very long. Especially not once the country has to deal without the tourist revenue fattening their budget. That right wing zealotry will only carry them so far when their people are on the national welfare system due to the collapse of nearly all their tourism.
I don't disagree with you there. I see the law happening only only withstanding until the next election period and the people realize they want their tourists back. It's going to take some time for the tourist trade to peter off though as many probably wont know about the law change. If anything, this will be a 4 year trial period and the they'll be begging for the tourists to come back---so they'll reintroduce the law but with some added restrictions because they won't want to admit they were entirely wrong.

And honestly, why else go to the netherlands? The city of Amsterdam isn't that beautiful if you take away the drugs. You got so many other fun places to go: Heidleburg, Belgium, Paris, Prague, Barcelona, London, Munich.....The list is endless. Many tourists will find their money better spent in other cities that have better culture, cuisine, architecture, and beer (people don't travel half way around the world for a Heiniken --I barely go across the bar for one).


New Member
I don't see it lasting that long. Meh, you're forgetting that word is already spreading, I'd wager that most people in the world who NEED to know about it already do. I give it a year at most before tourism is dead over there, but honestly, that's a generous estimate. I'd be surprised if it went more than 6-9 months. If the people even let it go THAT long.

And that's my point. Why else WOULD anyone go to the netherlands? Once they realize there's no competition anymore, that shit will end up gone or we'll be watching the Dutch on TV like we did the Egyptians. People won't stand for legislation that puts them into starvation, especially once the food no longer hits the plate like it used to.


Active Member
Wow that's crazy news. I hope it doesn't stick. I've seen in the past how the right has tried to take down coffee shops. Some people there don't want to see their own people smoke let alone internationals rocking up and causing real problems (like getting high and drunk on the street, passing out in gutters etc).



Hi whitewwhidower,

I will stop over in Prague on my way to Chrastany this july and I was wondering if you can provide further advice or information on getting some staff in Prague. I have read about the typical -tourist places and this and that, but since i am long time regular smoker , if possible, would like to avoid the street and bar dealers and go straight to a more reliable source in terms of quality and price. Then, hit the bar.

Thanks in advance.