Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

I traced the outline, but not the cutouts or the raised edges, all the shading I did from my head.
its an emachine from back in 2007. its only four years old, but it wont open pdf's or certain programs, and its slow at times. Im uprgrading to a laptop in a few weeks for college
How do you get your drawings on your computer? Looks like it was taken with a camera, maybe even a camera phone or a webcam.
I'll have to post some of my shitty drawings one of these days when I buy a scanner.

Actually I might have to bust out some paper and practice, I haven't drawn anything since I was in school.
lmfao after tonight I know my dumbass friend will be saying he's never drinking again.
Hes the kind of person who go's crazy punching cars and trying to fight everybody when he drinks liquor and tonight he was no different
How do you get your drawings on your computer? Looks like it was taken with a camera, maybe even a camera phone or a webcam.
I'll have to post some of my shitty drawings one of these days when I buy a scanner.

Actually I might have to bust out some paper and practice, I haven't drawn anything since I was in school.

camera phone
lmfao after tonight I know my dumbass friend will be saying he's never drinking again.
Hes the kind of person who go's crazy punching cars and trying to fight everybody when he drinks liquor and tonight he was no different

i'll never understand why some people get like that ........s.... i could maybe see it if they drink some whiskey or something along those lines maybe... but still, god damn, lol.. drinking always made me more sociable and talkative, not violent at all, but i've seen it happen with plenty of people for sure..
it's kinda crazy to me how different alcohol has different effects on different people though..
Haha im serious... I can drink hella of them and they taste amazing, yet I never catch a buzz... its win win
i'll never understand why some people get like that ........s.... i could maybe see it if they drink some whiskey or something along those lines maybe... but still, god damn, lol.. drinking always made me more sociable and talkative, not violent at all, but i've seen it happen with plenty of people for sure..
it's kinda crazy to me how different alcohol has different effects on different people though..

Its really annoying cause I know if I were to leave him he'd get jumped so I gotta stay with him the whole fucking time.Any little thing provokes him and hes mad and trying to fight everyone the whole night but thankfully I got him to go to bed.
I've only read the OP....And never mix UV Vodka with Sprite or Sunny D...this ain't Oakland. Mix it with Calipso Raspberry Lemonade. puked because you need to step your game up. All day. :)
Ahhhhh. I drank ?goldshclager with orange juice man, and pongin all night... I threw up all over 4 people, and completely filled my grinder with chicken sammy, orange juice, pepper schnapps lol... man it was gnarly.. but it tis the weekend once again..#rage