never seen this b4


Active Member
i started from seed( beenHo AK 47 ) and this one seedling is a runt, it started really slow and still is way behind the other girls. the funny thing is, for some reason she looks like shes growing 2 set of leaves as if i topped her. have any 1 seen some thing like this b4?

the pic is the runt n the other an example of what the others look like


Well-Known Member
that looks normal. i dont see where you see any from of natural topping... just looks like a lil runt :D


Active Member
I'd say its just a mutant! Now and then you get that happen, just a quirk of genetics but they often prove to be very good in my experience :-) Oddly enough the last one I had was also AK47 but different breeder. Stick with it would be my advice. My one had twisted leaf growth and stems like celery sticks!! But it out yielded all the rest in the end.

Btw, your username/avatar made me laugh, nice one :-)



Well-Known Member
how about this. notice the two branches growing side by side, and a shoot growing oddly underneath it all..


Well-Known Member
very normal for a stressed plant...... the nodes are just way closer on that one... no big deal KEEP IT and she'll be fine !


Active Member
very normal for a stressed plant...... the nodes are just way closer on that one... no big deal KEEP IT and she'll be fine !
Mutants are NOT stressed plants though, not in the sense that the grower has done anything to cause that to happen. It's a quirk of genetics, and that last pic is so typical of them. My last AK47 mutant was just like that and the stems were U shaped in section!!! As I said, like celery sticks.

I tried to start a 'Mutant' thread some time back here because over the years I have only ever had 2 maybe 3 but you get kind of attached to them :-)

Its worth remembering that the great UK Exodus Cheese was developed from a mutant cut of skunk way back..... they can produce individual qualities quite different from the mother plant.

Love those mutants :-)


I'll see if I can dig up a pic of mine close to finishing last year and [post in here later.


Active Member
Lol, thanks. My boy gave me that nickname cuz I do art and love to smoke pot. .. So its a mutant, I'll keep her but hopefuly its a her. I got 9 ak47 n 10 white russian. Hoping to get 1 monster yielder mother.