Never seen this before, can someone please help?!

Chee Zee

Ive been doing this for a long time now and im puzzled with whats going on, im at week 4 into flower so the girls are coverd in hairs, nice looking preflowers, 2 pistils coming out, the usual stuff... But i took off a preflower, opend it up and found a tiny green seed inside, i have no signs of hermie plants but cant work out why i have little seeds, is it a gene thing??

any help be appreciated!!

pic1 - the preflower
pic2 - preflower opend up to show the seed



Well-Known Member
there has to be a male flower you missed. sometimes they are covered and you cant spot them without really seaching through the buds. unless you are growing outside where pollen can travel pretty far, your neighbor is growing and you guys leave windows etc open but probably stressed a little banana out somewhere on the lady. good luck

Chee Zee

ive searched all over for a bannana and cant find anything, il keep looking tho.

edit: done some reading and could be a few things so will get to work with this process of ilimination

Brick Top

New Member
ive searched all over for a bannana and cant find anything, il keep looking tho.

never had a seed form inside one before, dont they usually grow in the male pods rather than the preflower?? this is the exact spot i took mine from...
Sometimes a small banana can form within a bud and not be visible. Sometimes though you might see small traces of yellow on a bud with a tiny banana inside of it.

Seeds form in the female ovary, what is commonly called the calyx, the tiny individual female flowers that grow in clusters and form what are called buds, or were in the past often called flower tops.

Chee Zee

yeah im aware how the seeds form im just stumpd to how they got ther, i have no visible nanaas and ther really going for gold with the budding. Its like immature seeds the size of a pin head, maybe they wont develop any further??? Now i need to figure out why they got ther... lets surf! :)

Chee Zee

ok ive just checkd my room, cant find one nana but every calyx has a tiny unformd seed in it.. this is over 3 strains so you can imagine how gutted i am, im guessing alot of ther work isnt going into producing bud anymore but these tiny seeds!!

ive been in room while lights out and thers no leaks, my temps occasionally reach high 80s but i wouldnt think this enough to do this?? ive grown for ages and never had this problem.

what are your guesses as to whats going on?? a unfound nana??
