Never seen this.


So a while ago my leaves got a little dry. ( I'm only here on the weekends my girl takes care of them.) I raised the light up to about two feet (mh.) And today one of my plants just drooped to the side. The weird thing is it feels very healthy. I know I haven't been over watering and I am just using fox farm with no nutes. I did use growth hormone on that one because it wouldn't sprout tho. Any advice would be very appreciated.


Well-Known Member
sounds like it had a growth spurt and then was underwatered. its happened to me before when im unable to check on them for a few days. they double in size and instead of watering every 3 days i need to every other. but i dont realize cause im not there and by the time i see em theyre achin for water.

but we wont know until you post some pictures.


Yea when the lights are on. Two big fans with lights. One little one at dark. It's all on timers.


I'm sorry guys I just moved here so no internet. It's basically the leaves got a little crisp ( still green not real bad.) And it was fine after I raised the light for 2 days. An then I checked and it's leaning to the side like it's wilted but when I felt it it feels firm. I'm not here slot due to my shity job so this is all I can really describe. Thank you for any help.


Oh and no. One intake and out take with a little visible movement for stem strength. Stays about 75-80 in there to.