You can use a flat bottom screw to terminate a ground wire on the heat sink.
A tad of " generalisation" there,probably ...
If the driver(s) are encased in plastic case,then are "Class II " electronic devices .Double isolation ,no mains earth wire needed .Of course no heat sink "mains earthing " ....
(BTW- and not "grounding " since it has another meaning ...It means bringing
a circuit down low, to a "dynamic potentional " of zero Volts and mainly it is used on DC circuitry ..
"Earthed " (connected to ..planet
Earth ) is the expression for AC ,not "Grounded" ( brought low to a "
ground" level of 0 VDC ) which mainly is used in DC circuitry ...
Anyway ..Details ....
If now the drivers are not encased at all ( open frame boards ) or encased in a metallic case ( steel or aluminium ,usually )
they are ,most probabbly "Class I " .Single isolation.Needs earthing.
Now in that case ,there are two sub-cases ...
if the drivers are placed remote ,away from the heat sink,
and only the DC wiring ,which powers the LED /COBS goes to the heat sink ..
Then grounding the heat sink ,has no reason ...
Even if the DC wiring ,carries lots of Amps ,under a high dynamic difference ( > 100 VDC ) ,even if any of the DC wires shorts with the "earthed " heat sink ,nothing is going to happen ,which will affect severely the users safety ....
But from the other hand ...
If such driver(s) ( open frame or metal encased ) are placed on the heatsink or on any type of metallic structure
which conducts directly with the heatsink ,EVERYTHING made out of metal -and not just the heat sink - shouyld be mains "earthed" .Even the smallest screw or nut ...
In such case of placement ,AC circuitry is still isolated from any metal part of the structure .
BUt since it is placed within/on/in/at the structure ,there's always the danger ,that under the most weird situation - aka "shit happens " - where was I ? Oh ,yes ..under those weird situations( severe impacts cable/wiring isolation destruction /deterioration ) ,there's the danger of AC wiring to come in contact with any metallic part of the structure.
If it is "earthed" ,the mains fuses will trip ,either "LIVE/LINE " or "NEUTRAL" will contact "EARTH" .
The party is on at the fuse -box ....
I know too much blah -blah ....
MAybe even difficult to digest ,by the average stoner ...
Just keep in mind ....
"Open frame or metal encased LED drivers ,if are installed on /at / within /inside a metallic structure ...
(profile bars ,rods ,heat sink (s) , angles ,sheets ,screws ,bolts ,nuts ,washers ,cases , and more ),
everything made out of metal ,should contact Earth ,the soil ,the planet .
"Mains Earthed."
Otherwise ....
Shit happens ...