New 21x10 Grow Space


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone Im starting a new set-up. I'm setting up a soilless 24 plant/tree 8,000k grow. I'm going to be using 5 gallon homedepot buckets with str8 sunshine #4 mix, Vegging for about 2 months & supercropping & Lst before switching to flower. Going to be using H&G Soil nuts with all their supplements thru entire grow. Im going to try my hand at Nirvana Blue Mystic.

I have some soil & hydro grows under my belt just trying sometime new. I need some info from you guys that have exp. growing like this.

My questions are will 24 plants have enough space to fill out in the 21x10 area, I think I can get about 8 oz of each plant do you guys think that is possible. What will the feeding cycle be like do I give them nuts every feeding or skip one every other. Thanks for your replys guys


Well-Known Member
hey bro, hope all is well man. ive got a few tips for ya. you are using the same soil, techniques, and nutes i use for soil grows. lol.

* how tall are you gonna grow your plants in veg? sounds like you are going pretty big. i'd suggest getting some tomato cages. they really help when you are growing bigger plants. especially ones that are topped and lst'd. something like these...( you wanna get cages that are about a foot shorter than the final height of your plants. sure beats tying plants up all the time. i like them better than bamboo stakes too. they have a bunch of different kinds on amazon.

* have you thought about amending your soil with anything? i've run sunshine for a long time. i'd recommend adding 20% worm castings to your oil for beneficial bacteria and fungi. i'd also recommend that you mix in 1 tablespoon of dolmite lime per gallon of mixed soil. this will stabilize the pH of your soil. sunshine being a soiless mix will tend to run all over the place pH wise if you don't stabilize it.

* you will find the pH sweetspot for your strain and soil mix but i's recommend starting at 6.3 pH in your soil. i've run my nutes and soil for sunshine in a couple places and 6.3 seems to be the right spot.

* 24 plants under 8 lights seems like and odd setup. 3 plants per light. sound like you are running 1000w lights. 4 plants per light will be plenty. that's what i get when i grow larger plants. i definitely think you can get away with 6,000w no problem. especially if you are running them in a row. when you put two lights side by side they have overlapping light. since footcandles are stackable you'll be able to actually space the 1000w lights a little further apart. 1000w lights have a 5x5 footprint at 18" from the canopy. so if you have them in a line i think you can place 5.5' between the center of the bulbs instead of the normal 5'.

* i would also suggest running larger pots. 5 gallon will be a tad small in my opinion for plants that big. i would at 7 gallon or 10 gallon even better. also, check out those Smart Pots." they are made of fabric and allow easy access for air to the root zone. plus they are super easy to water. you can actually see exactly how much you are watering so that makes it hard to over or under water.

* whether you go smart pots or regular ones i would put your plants on trays if you can afford it. 4x8 trays would be ideal. you could fit 6 mature plants per tray. when they are younger you can squeeze more plants onto a tray and use less lights. the reason i recommend trays is that they make watering super easy. just raise the tray 1' off the ground and put a drain fitting on 1 side. then lean the tray slighty to that side. put a bucket under there and when you water any runoff will go right in the bucket. plus, you just run some hot water through the tray every week or so and it stays clean. if you do smart pots this won't be that big of a deal.

* pulling 8oz. off each plant is very possible. it will just depend on you and how healthy you can keep them. i just pulled 6oz. per plant off 4 plants in sunshine. none of the plants were taller than 3' in flower. i topped and lst'd them.

* go light on the H&G nutes. they are very concentrated. i do a feeding schedule of feed, feed, water when running just nutes in soil. for a grow that big you should have a quality pH/ppm meter and probably a soil pH tester. testing soil runoff isn't all that accurate.

* something else you might want to think about is brewing a tea. it will save you a ton of money on nutrient additives. basically you just run your base nutes and the tea. you would have to brew a batch once a week but it's really easy. all you need is a 5 gallon bucket, air stones, air pump, lid cover, really fine mesh or painters filter, and maybe a cheap reservoir heater. you stick your tea in the filter and wrap it up tight. then stick it in the 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of water and turn on the air pump and stone. you might need to put in a reservoir heater depending on where you are brewing it. then just cover it and leave it alone for 24 hours. then you dilute the tea in water and feed it to your plants. these teas will add beneficial bacteria, fungi, pH stability, and enzymes to your soil. your plants will LOVE it. i do a feed, tea, feed, tea schedule. you don't have to pH the tea. you won't need ANY of the additives nor will you need to add dolmite lime to your soil. this is the tea mix i use. there are a ton of recipes though. (

* if you are running R/O water then you wil need to get a bottle of Cal/Mag. i use botanicare cal/mag plus. you'll need it more in flower than in veg. just have to read your plants and see how they react. they'll tell you if they need something. if you are running just tap water then it's probably a good idea to just let it sit out overnight to burn off any chlorine.

* try and run only a single strain if you can. just akes things so much easier. different strains like different environments, pH, nutes, etc... running more than 1 strain can get tricky sometimes.

* an easy way to water a large soil grow is by using drip stakes. basically you put a drip stake or 2 in each pot. then connect them all with fittings and black tubing. then connect all the tubing to a reservoir at the end of your lights. when it's feeding time you just mix up the nutes in your reservoir and turn on the pump. after a few times you'll know exactly how long you need to leave the pump on for and then you can just put it on a timer.

that's my $0.98c let me know if you have any other questions. good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
how about some sunshine #4 bud porn...:bigjoint:

6 girls i got waiting to go into flower. i took them out cause i was doing work to the chiller lines in the tent. they like to stretch their ligs in the sun every once and a while anyway.
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these 6 girls i put into flower a few weeks ago. this is day 10 of 12/12.
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here's some girls i was just finishing up. day 55 in these pics.
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just starting cutting those girls down.
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Well-Known Member
Hey Scooby Thanks for the wealth of info dude. I was totally going to build trays for the plants 6 plants per tray. I was thinking of putting 3 plants under each 1,000 watt light in a triangle form. I will listen to you & use 7 gallon pots. I dont mind using the additives just makes me feel better & I have had good results with H&G.

How long did you veg the plants you pulled 6 oz from & under what lights

Thank you again for your reponse & all the info. I will be keeping in touch. Dont know about pics bc I still live in a state where are rights are being raped, but I will not let them stop me lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Scooby Thanks for the wealth of info dude. I was totally going to build trays for the plants 6 plants per tray. I was thinking of putting 3 plants under each 1,000 watt light in a triangle form. I will listen to you & use 7 gallon pots. I dont mind using the additives just makes me feel better & I have had good results with H&G.

How long did you veg the plants you pulled 6 oz from & under what lights

Thank you again for your reponse & all the info. I will be keeping in touch. Dont know about pics bc I still live in a state where are rights are being raped, but I will not let them stop me lol
hey bud. glad to help.

putting 3 plants under a single light in a triangle formation is just wasting light in my opinion. you'll have no problem getting 4 plants under a 1000w light at that size. you could get rid of 2 lights or grow more plants. sprading the plants out like that isn't going to increase your yield so basically you'll bepaying more electricity, more equipment, etc... for no extra profit. just seems like a waste to me.

those plants were on half of my tent. i had 4 under a 600w light. after it was all said and done i pulled 630g off 4 plants under that light. i vegged them a long time. 6-7 weeks i think. i was tying them down the whole time then right before i put them to flower i let them go and trimmed away all of the lower branches and stuff.

H&G makes great additves so you can't go wrong. i just like brewing the tea because of pH stability and all of the added beneficials when you are vegging/flowering plants that long then they really do benfit from those bacteria and fungi in the soil. the soil actually becomes a living organism basically. plus, it's actually a LOT cheaper. you don't feed your plants as much nutes or as often. really has improved the quality of my plants and my smoke. plus it helps to keep your plants healthy all the way till harvest. having a plant that shows deficiencies at harvest is actually not the goal. lol.

don't worry about pics man. i've got plenty to keep us both covered...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Ok I will try 4 plants under the each light I dont mind saving a little on electric bill lol. How far apart do you think I should have each pot from the other. Im going to add the lime & worm casting to the soil like you have suggested. Do you think it would be ok thru out the whole grow using just the H&G Base & additives.


Well-Known Member
Ok I will try 4 plants under the each light I dont mind saving a little on electric bill lol. How far apart do you think I should have each pot from the other. Im going to add the lime & worm casting to the soil like you have suggested. Do you think it would be ok thru out the whole grow using just the H&G Base & additives.
basically you want to make a square out of your plants. the center of that square should be right under your bulb. the bigger the plants; the more you LST them; the bushier they are; then the wider that square will be. if you are putting 4 plants under a single 1000w light (5x5 footprint) then you have about 2.5sq.ft. per plant. plenty in my opinion for plants that size.

i think you'll be just fine using H&G base nutes and additives. they make a very high quality nutrient which is extremely low in salts. i don't think you need "all" of their additives. I would start out with just a few and see how you like them. maybe even run a few plants without the additves and try and see the difference. i was just trying to give you another option which is equally as effective if not more effective but much cheaper and less time consuming. 100 ways to skin a cat though. you'll be fine with the additives. you might need some cal/mag if you are using R/O water.


Well-Known Member
I have used H&G before & I love there entire line. I think I can manage the up coming set-up now that you have schooled me lol. Thanks again man you are one of the coolest people I have talked to on any forum. Be talking to you again later good looking out bud


You could also run 2 plants per 1000w and run all 8 lights. If you can get those numbers from 4 plants per light you wont have any problems doing it with 2. I am currently running one large plant per 1000w. Each plant fills a 3.5 sqft scrog. So far so good and I have my fingers crossed on at least 1.2lb per 1000w but we shall have to wait and see. Once I had a 600w 3x3 closet with 1 plant and got 14oz but I am skeptical on getting 1 indoor plant with 1.2lb on it.


Well-Known Member
You could also run 2 plants per 1000w and run all 8 lights. If you can get those numbers from 4 plants per light you wont have any problems doing it with 2. I am currently running one large plant per 1000w. Each plant fills a 3.5 sqft scrog. So far so good and I have my fingers crossed on at least 1.2lb per 1000w but we shall have to wait and see. Once I had a 600w 3x3 closet with 1 plant and got 14oz but I am skeptical on getting 1 indoor plant with 1.2lb on it.
think he said he was doing 24 plants. so that's either 3 per 8 lights or 4 per 6 lights. 2 per 8 lights doesn't add up. :bigjoint:

pulling a 1lb off an indoor plant isn't hard. especially under a 1000w light. you're basically trying to pull 0.5gpw. i just pulled 1.4lbs off a 600w light.


Well-Known Member
Hell I would be very happy pulling anywhere from 8 - 10 oz of each plant. If I can get the higher range well I will be delighted. Remember Im going to veg these babies for a full 2 months under each 1000k @ 24hr.


Well-Known Member
Hell I would be very happy pulling anywhere from 8 - 10 oz of each plant. If I can get the higher range well I will be delighted. Remember Im going to veg these babies for a full 2 months under each 1000k @ 24hr.
don't plan on veggin for a time frame. veg your plants to the size you want them. different strains and different conditions will determine growth. i;ve vegged plants that were ready for my room in 5 weeks and others that only took 3. just depends.


Active Member
hey bro, hope all is well man. ive got a few tips for ya. you are using the same soil, techniques, and nutes i use for soil grows. lol.

* how tall are you gonna grow your plants in veg? sounds like you are going pretty big. i'd suggest getting some tomato cages. they really help when you are growing bigger plants. especially ones that are topped and lst'd. something like these...( you wanna get cages that are about a foot shorter than the final height of your plants. sure beats tying plants up all the time. i like them better than bamboo stakes too. they have a bunch of different kinds on amazon.

* have you thought about amending your soil with anything? i've run sunshine for a long time. i'd recommend adding 20% worm castings to your oil for beneficial bacteria and fungi. i'd also recommend that you mix in 1 tablespoon of dolmite lime per gallon of mixed soil. this will stabilize the pH of your soil. sunshine being a soiless mix will tend to run all over the place pH wise if you don't stabilize it.

* you will find the pH sweetspot for your strain and soil mix but i's recommend starting at 6.3 pH in your soil. i've run my nutes and soil for sunshine in a couple places and 6.3 seems to be the right spot.

* 24 plants under 8 lights seems like and odd setup. 3 plants per light. sound like you are running 1000w lights. 4 plants per light will be plenty. that's what i get when i grow larger plants. i definitely think you can get away with 6,000w no problem. especially if you are running them in a row. when you put two lights side by side they have overlapping light. since footcandles are stackable you'll be able to actually space the 1000w lights a little further apart. 1000w lights have a 5x5 footprint at 18" from the canopy. so if you have them in a line i think you can place 5.5' between the center of the bulbs instead of the normal 5'.

* i would also suggest running larger pots. 5 gallon will be a tad small in my opinion for plants that big. i would at 7 gallon or 10 gallon even better. also, check out those Smart Pots." they are made of fabric and allow easy access for air to the root zone. plus they are super easy to water. you can actually see exactly how much you are watering so that makes it hard to over or under water.

* whether you go smart pots or regular ones i would put your plants on trays if you can afford it. 4x8 trays would be ideal. you could fit 6 mature plants per tray. when they are younger you can squeeze more plants onto a tray and use less lights. the reason i recommend trays is that they make watering super easy. just raise the tray 1' off the ground and put a drain fitting on 1 side. then lean the tray slighty to that side. put a bucket under there and when you water any runoff will go right in the bucket. plus, you just run some hot water through the tray every week or so and it stays clean. if you do smart pots this won't be that big of a deal.

* pulling 8oz. off each plant is very possible. it will just depend on you and how healthy you can keep them. i just pulled 6oz. per plant off 4 plants in sunshine. none of the plants were taller than 3' in flower. i topped and lst'd them.

* go light on the H&G nutes. they are very concentrated. i do a feeding schedule of feed, feed, water when running just nutes in soil. for a grow that big you should have a quality pH/ppm meter and probably a soil pH tester. testing soil runoff isn't all that accurate.

* something else you might want to think about is brewing a tea. it will save you a ton of money on nutrient additives. basically you just run your base nutes and the tea. you would have to brew a batch once a week but it's really easy. all you need is a 5 gallon bucket, air stones, air pump, lid cover, really fine mesh or painters filter, and maybe a cheap reservoir heater. you stick your tea in the filter and wrap it up tight. then stick it in the 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of water and turn on the air pump and stone. you might need to put in a reservoir heater depending on where you are brewing it. then just cover it and leave it alone for 24 hours. then you dilute the tea in water and feed it to your plants. these teas will add beneficial bacteria, fungi, pH stability, and enzymes to your soil. your plants will LOVE it. i do a feed, tea, feed, tea schedule. you don't have to pH the tea. you won't need ANY of the additives nor will you need to add dolmite lime to your soil. this is the tea mix i use. there are a ton of recipes though. (

* if you are running R/O water then you wil need to get a bottle of Cal/Mag. i use botanicare cal/mag plus. you'll need it more in flower than in veg. just have to read your plants and see how they react. they'll tell you if they need something. if you are running just tap water then it's probably a good idea to just let it sit out overnight to burn off any chlorine.

* try and run only a single strain if you can. just akes things so much easier. different strains like different environments, pH, nutes, etc... running more than 1 strain can get tricky sometimes.

* an easy way to water a large soil grow is by using drip stakes. basically you put a drip stake or 2 in each pot. then connect them all with fittings and black tubing. then connect all the tubing to a reservoir at the end of your lights. when it's feeding time you just mix up the nutes in your reservoir and turn on the pump. after a few times you'll know exactly how long you need to leave the pump on for and then you can just put it on a timer.

that's my $0.98c let me know if you have any other questions. good luck bro.
hey scooby what kind of pump do you use for the drop stakes? you got any pictures of how it would look like? think it would work with just 9 plants?


Well-Known Member
hey scooby what kind of pump do you use for the drop stakes? you got any pictures of how it would look like? think it would work with just 9 plants?
hey kamie, any hydro pump will work. the drip stakes will control the flow. you don't need anything big for 9 plants. maybe 250gph. i'd put 2-3 stakes per plant. then after you run it once or twice you'll get an idea of how long you need to run it for. then you can just put it on a timer.


New Member
hey kamie, any hydro pump will work. the drip stakes will control the flow. you don't need anything big for 9 plants. maybe 250gph. i'd put 2-3 stakes per plant. then after you run it once or twice you'll get an idea of how long you need to run it for. then you can just put it on a timer.
so one from vaginal hydro wasnt worth a shit?


Well-Known Member
don't plan on veggin for a time frame. veg your plants to the size you want them. different strains and different conditions will determine growth. i;ve vegged plants that were ready for my room in 5 weeks and others that only took 3. just depends.

So what size do you think I should grow them in veg before turning them. I need to get at least 8oz per plant so Im not losing money. Producing buds is expensive just growing at your house, but when you have to rent another spot & pay electric bill while also keeping a roof your your families head gets very expensive.Some of the bud is for me for my back, but most of it is for a group of older folks I supply that really use it as medicine. I would never sell bud to anyone just for them to get a kick I dont knock anyone that does it just is against my morals lol.


Well-Known Member
So what size do you think I should grow them in veg before turning them. I need to get at least 8oz per plant so Im not losing money. Producing buds is expensive just growing at your house, but when you have to rent another spot & pay electric bill while also keeping a roof your your families head gets very expensive.Some of the bud is for me for my back, but most of it is for a group of older folks I supply that really use it as medicine. I would never sell bud to anyone just for them to get a kick I dont knock anyone that does it just is against my morals lol.
i'll give you some free advice. do with it as you wish. :bigjoint:

i'm not trying to be condescending at all but it sounds like this is your first time growing in a large op. it also sounds like you only have a couple grows under your belt. i may be wrong and if i am then sorry. but i just think running H&G's "full" lineup might be a mistake. you really don't need all of that...especially on your first "commercial" op. that's why i recommended the tea. i understand you wanna stick with the additives. if i were you, i'd only do 2-3 additives max your first few runs. just try and keep it simple. the more additives you have the more chance you have of messing something up. i wouldn't want to see you lose a crop or get crappy yields cause then you'd just be losing money.

i would lst your plants pretty hard. keep them tied down until it just becomes a cluster fuck around the pot. then when you have no more room to tie them down, just let them grow for a week. then take out all of the tie downs and let the plant grow for another week. then trim all of the lower branches like i did in my picture above. you are going to have a dense canopy so it's not even worth wasting plant energy on those lower budsites. you'll only reduce yield up top and get popcorn buds down below. then just put them in flower at that point. they should be about 2' tall which means in flower they'll get to about 5'. all this obviously depends on your ceiling height. you don't want your plants touching your lights.


Well-Known Member
i'll give you some free advice. do with it as you wish. :bigjoint:

i'm not trying to be condescending at all but it sounds like this is your first time growing in a large op. it also sounds like you only have a couple grows under your belt. i may be wrong and if i am then sorry. but i just think running H&G's "full" lineup might be a mistake. you really don't need all of that...especially on your first "commercial" op. that's why i recommended the tea. i understand you wanna stick with the additives. if i were you, i'd only do 2-3 additives max your first few runs. just try and keep it simple. the more additives you have the more chance you have of messing something up. i wouldn't want to see you lose a crop or get crappy yields cause then you'd just be losing money.

i would lst your plants pretty hard. keep them tied down until it just becomes a cluster fuck around the pot. then when you have no more room to tie them down, just let them grow for a week. then take out all of the tie downs and let the plant grow for another week. then trim all of the lower branches like i did in my picture above. you are going to have a dense canopy so it's not even worth wasting plant energy on those lower budsites. you'll only reduce yield up top and get popcorn buds down below. then just put them in flower at that point. they should be about 2' tall which means in flower they'll get to about 5'. all this obviously depends on your ceiling height. you don't want your plants touching your lights.
I totally appreciate all the info. I have a few grows under my belt soil/hydro & have used H&G along with there full line & never had a problem with it. I have never grown large plants in soilless media before thats why I am asking all the question I just feel better about doing it when I get as much info about growing in a way I never have. Sorry if I have come across as a complete noob lol. But your info is very appreciated & it has me feeling alot more comfortable moving forward