New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
bumpity bump bump

Flower update.

?purp last day of week 8. She/I could have done much better... into hydro she goes lol

From left to right- sour d day 22, ak mom day 30, sour d day 22, ?purp

Sour D day 52 next to the ak day 55 in hydro...

ak mom (day30) has missed a few waterings
Sour d on left and right.
You can see more Aks behind her on day 22, first missed watering on them happened today/yesterday. Iv been busy :=(

?purp and ak need a little more time. Still got white pistils in hydro + my ? purp clones aren't ready... my original batch didn't take, otherwise Id be right on time! errg! next time!

Time for my yins to get in here! debating on xplanting them, but that would mean more lost time...​


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro LG and Gbro lol ;-) Iv been working on a father and drying chamber today (amongst other things), I'll try to share pics later... more work to be done but first I needs me some vittles. :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro LG and Gbro lol ;-) Iv been working on a father and drying chamber today (amongst other things), I'll try to share pics later... more work to be done but first I needs me some vittles. :-)
make sure you sop them vittles up wit a


Well-Known Member
Got this from a mmc .. its called kabloom. Smokes nice, they did a good job... I just needed some more variety. Other than today, I haven't bought any erb in almost a year :-) I just gulped down a "serving" of the fruit punch so Iv yet to feel any effect. It was tasty though :-) kinda like weed but mostly fruit punch... Im already baked on some sd thats been rolling around in a kief jar for a while :-)


kiefed up Sour D ^^

The dude/dry tent is 27"deep x 4' long x 8' high. I haven't built the partition yet.

^^ got 15" in between the the racks.

^^ zippers worked out nicely except they leak light... I'll think of something.
total cost = $63, I havent decided on lighting yet... and thats gonna decide my ventilation needs.



Well-Known Member
i feel like you couldve gotten one of those rubbermaid storage things to use for drying and it woulda been just about the same. just my opinion haha


Well-Known Member
I really want to but I run a 600 in a 4 x 4 box and the box is in a much larger room. I just think I would be burning through tanks from keeping my box cool and it might be a bit wasteful. Whats the deal? They stretch more or something? I WANT BEEF!

THanks for the infoz.
If you can work it out to where you have a sealed room with your light vented with the outside air the co2 would stay in but then you need ac...
I dont think they stretch more, they just grow faster.


Well-Known Member
way faster. you should look into the myco co2 bags. its a bacteria that produces co2 and run about 25 bucks. supposedly produce well up to 4 months. you could get two of them, and should increase your co2 quite abit.

mind you not to the point you could get with a tank meaning 1500 ppms but you would see gains


Well-Known Member
way faster. you should look into the myco co2 bags. its a bacteria that produces co2 and run about 25 bucks. supposedly produce well up to 4 months. you could get two of them, and should increase your co2 quite abit.

mind you not to the point you could get with a tank meaning 1500 ppms but you would see gains
yeah, some is better than none.


Well-Known Member
i really dig that new tent set up but it seems like you keep taking away from that awesome shop you got. you must have worked pretty hard if you did that buy yourself. you are a handy man though so im sure you got it done in atleast half the time as i would haha. that kabloom looks pretty good but definetely not any better than what your producing. understandable about wanting something new for a change though! how much was that punch? always been curious about those and the sodas. you should look around for a good mmj that has some clones that would interest you, though you have a lot of new strains to work already aha.

EP- if im not mistaken, he wants to use that as a male flower unit and a dry area since its got the extra head space. wouldnt work out so well in the above mentioned rubbermaid.


Well-Known Member
something like this. this is kinda like what riddleme uses. he has some fans withs speed controllers so he can manage heat and humidity in it. he has great success with it
thats only 27 cubic feet and costs $175 mine is 64 cubic feet and costs $63, I'll be able to control temps and humidity fine. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Well-Known Member
i really dig that new tent set up but it seems like you keep taking away from that awesome shop you got. you must have worked pretty hard if you did that buy yourself. you are a handy man though so im sure you got it done in atleast half the time as i would haha. that kabloom looks pretty good but definetely not any better than what your producing. understandable about wanting something new for a change though! how much was that punch? always been curious about those and the sodas. you should look around for a good mmj that has some clones that would interest you, though you have a lot of new strains to work already aha.

EP- if im not mistaken, he wants to use that as a male flower unit and a dry area since its got the extra head space. wouldnt work out so well in the above mentioned rubbermaid.
Hey thanks lg.. I asked for their best meds, they said its 22%thc. It feels good to know that im growing stuff just as good and better than their top shelf :-D dont get me wrong though, its pretty darn good and dried and cured perfectly... i love variety!
The punch was $12 for 3 doses and the only reason I got it was because Iv never had one ;-) over priced but a treat, I'll be making my own eventually lol... I also want to start making wine and beer :-) thats gotta wait till im back on my feet a little better.
Allot of places cut to order but I need to clear my plate before I get seconds!

And yes, its a dud / drying tent. I haven't built the partition yet.


Well-Known Member
ah i just thought he was using it just for drying
all good in tha hood
would be one hell of a drying unit haha! though he does have a shit load of bud to dry here once the AK comes down!
yeah it would.
I actually might run out of drying space when that happens!:shock:

EDIT: @ a second look I think I just had high hopes lol I got space... maybe if I didnt loose that 1!

EDIT EDIT: yes LG, I built it by myself :-)


Well-Known Member
haha is there any more edits to be watching for or did you cover them all! 12$ aint bad for 3 servings, knowing they sell edibles up to that price. all sounds and looks good buddy!